How to stand out in a crowd

Jan 22, 2024 7:55 am

Hey there!

So yesterday, I kinda sorta said....

You've got to be a certain way with people so you can inspire three key results... want them to pay attention to you..

Second...You want them to do what you recommend...

And want them to become your evangelists and go convert their friends and family to your way of thinking.

Achieve this with leaders and people with influence and you are good as gold.

The big ginormous question of the day was: How?

That is what I'm going to be answering today.

But first...

Lemme just out this out there:

First...Personality and character aren't static.

Second....You are not your personality or character.

You are something much more.

I share this because, the idea that you have a fixed way of being is one of the most limiting ideas I know of, especially when it comes to leading people.

You and I have the capacity to be whoever we need to be to create the results we want to create.

We are only limited in our choices of who to be by the stories we chose to tell ourselves about how we can be with people.

Now that's out of the way....

Let's talk about getting attention.

The primary key to attention is relevance.

In other words...

Does what I find you doing or saying in a specific moment of time....matter to me.

It's not about whether you think it's valuable of not...

It's about whether it matters to me in that moment of time.

Van Gogh, one of the most famous painters in the world today didn't sell more than 5 paintings in his life time...

Crazy right?

More often than not to survive, he would barter work for food.

His brothers widow, Jo Van Gogh-Bonger, took on the marketing and sales of his work after his death.

The difference...?

Rather than focus on just the painting...

She focused on spreading Van Gogh's fascinating life story and the mystic around the paintings...

She made them relevant to the times...

And the rest as they say is history.

So you've got to start thinking of yourself as a relevant value creator...if you want to get the right kind of attention in the market place.

What's the right kind of attention?

It's what in the Community Mastery Method we refer to as seekers...

People who know they have a problem and are actively seeking a solution to their problem.

There are two kinds of seekers....

First are those who are ready to take action now.

They know what their problem is...

They know what the solution is....

They are simply looking for the right option for themselves...

The temptation to go after these kinds of seekers is high, mainly because they are often ready to buy in the moment...


Whilst you can often get their attention for a while...

Their commitment is the most expensive to buy.

And when building community...

The real currency isn't's commitment...willful commitment.

The perfect kind of seeker to pay attention to is the one who understands the problem and yet has no solution to it and is actively seeking.

This is where you focus your attention.

Your job is to educate these seekers on your frameworks...


Because like I once mentioned....

Once you have their buy-in.

Everything else is easy.

How do you get their buy-in?

Well fundamentally....

You've got to know your stuff and also know how to create a deep level of rapport with your market...

And I'll get into all that tomorrow.

For today...

Let's break down what it means to be a Relevant Value Creator.

Every conversation (message you put out) must be about the future you have promised the seeker you're targeting..

And it must be about moving them from...

Confusion to clarity

Helpless to capable

Isolation to confidence.

How you implement this is dependent on where you currently are in your practice building journey....

If you're currently just starting out and not yet at $10,000 a month.

Here's what you need to do:


You need to get your SolutionFrame done. Do this well and half the battle of getting the attention of your seeker is done.


Give them an opportunity to get a problem they are currently facing solved based on your solution frame.

The best bet for doing this at scale is to provided them with a trust amplifier kit. A trust amplifier is a combination of a video training and a one page pdf check list.

Why a checklist and video?

Easy focused consumption.

How do you distribute this and get it in front of as many people as possible?

There are a number of ways...

You can leverage social media....taking advantage of other people's audiences and platforms.

If you have the budget for can run ads.

But my favorite all time distribution method is person or virtual.


Invite them for a conversation with you to help them customize results.


Stay in touch via email, whatsapp, telegram or messenger.

The goal here isn't more teaching but to build an ongoing relation with them.

Do these 4 steps right and you never have to worry about clients as you start out.

Better yet...

You'll start to build your core group of True Fans, people who are invested in themselves and the future you represent for them.

And as you validate your frameworks with clients who are invested, they in turn will go out and recommend you to others.

But you MUST keep running these 4 things till you're past $10,000.

Here are a few numbers to keep in mind: 150, 1500, 15000

There's an order to building true community that most people don't understand...

Especially if your goal is to build a wildly successful and highly profitable practice...

You build you core group first.

Once that is tight...

They will help you bring in your first 150 true fans.

The 150 will bring the 1500...

Ad they in turn will bring the 15000...

At that point...

Contagion sets in and a powerful movement takes on a life of it's own

And just incase you missed it, a true fan in my definition is someone invested in themselves through the future you represent.

We are building a community of buyers...

Leaders not followers.

A community of leaders actively invested in the future you represent.

If you are past $10,000 a month running your practice...

Depending on the size and commitment of your current audience...

And the amount of money you're willing to invest in building your practice...

Your play is...


Deep the quality of relationship between you and your current clients and customers.

Think in terms of connection points...opportunities for them to connect with you and with each other.


Pay for distribution of your message at two levels...

Level one: To consistently put you in front of seekers newly interested in your message and solutions. You want to create a bubble effect between you and them, creating the illusion of being everywhere.

The goal is to get them in conversation and ultimately make the decision to become a customer so they become a part of your community.

Level two: Depend the exposure of your customers and clients to your frameworks and philosophies. The goal being to turn them into high level true fans.

Do this and you'll go from $10,000 a month to $60,000+ a month at which point you can spin any of your current offers into a full scale business on it's own whilst still running a practice.


We'll dig into who you need to be in order to get your people to follow through on your recommendations.

How do you inspire such a high level of trust that people will happily bypass their current beliefs/worries/concerns and act on your recommendations?

It's a place of great responsibility.

Till tomorrow...

Get out of your own play and play a bigger game than you've ever played before.


PS: I'm opening 10 spots for pay-what-you-want 90min consulting spots with me over the next few weeks...if you'd like one of the spots. Hit reply and let's talk. The focus is on helping you launch, grow or scale a wildly successful or highly profitable global practice.

We'll dig into whatever you need in 90mins and you'll walk out with a high level of clarity about what you need to be focused on to create you next breakthrough.

I don't expect these sessions to be available long so it's first come first served.
