The International Society of Tribemasters
Apr 23, 2024 7:32 am
Hey there!
Thanks again guys for the welcome back emails.
If you haven't yet gotten a personal response from me, you will today.
So yesterday we talked about one of the major changes: the move from the Community Mastery Method to The Tribemaster Framework™.
Today I want to talk about another move.
Back in 2015, I launched the Highly Paid Experts Network and to be honest it's been more successful than I thought it would be.
Late 2018, it took it off the Internet as a free Facebook group and turned it into a paid lifetime program for experts wanting to become high profile, highly paid persons of influence in their field.
So far so good.
As I hinted yesterday I've always felt a disharmony between HPEN and the Community Mastery Method.
So in order to Solve that teeny weeny challenge, I'm also moving away from the Highly Paid Experts Network as a point of focus.
As of a few weeks back I'd officially handed it over to my partner Edward Williams.
His vision for HPEN is pretty amazing and I'll be serving as a consultant and facilitator.
My focus will now be on The International Society of Tribemasters (IST).
IST is positioned as the premium choice for successful experts from around the globe to help them achieve faster growth, greater profits, and an exceptional quality of life all based on the Tribemaster Framework™.
IST is about more than your practice. It’s about you. It gives you the framework, community, and support to enjoy the full life you dreamed of when you dreamed of launch a practice, becoming a coach, consultant, trainer, author, facilitator or speaker.
Membership is purely on an application or invitation basis and you must have been running a practice before joining and bringing in at least $5000 a month to qualify as a member.
Membership is a $10,000 a year investment. But there'll be concessions for founding members.
Question: CTM what about those of us who are just starting out?
For you I have a Solution Called: Tribemaster Academy where the goal is to teach you the Tribemaster Framework™ and support you in implementing it till you get to your first $10,000 month.
Once you've achieved that, you'll get an invitation to IST.
The investment for Tribemasters Academy is just $1500 a year, which is pretty much a steal if you've been ever wanted to be a part of Expert Business School.
Generally speaking Tribemasters (the over all brand) gives you a clear journey:
Tribemaster Academy: Helps you master the fundamentals and provides everything you need to go from 0 to $10,000 a month. This is where you earn your Tribemaster designation. My data shows it can be done within 6months but generally people who work with me have done it anywhere from 3months to 4years all dependent on their personal preferences and comfort zones.
The International Society of Tribemasters: Takes you from $5000/$10,000 a month to $70,000 a month and supports you in building a wildly successful and highly profitable global practice.
Black Belt Society: This is my premium mastermind replacing the Diamond Mastermind program I had in HPEN. Primarily for Tribemasters doing $70000+ a month. Working with them to help them become market place visionaries, leaders and innovators who habitually achieve seemingly impossible goals.
That's the entire Tribemaster journey.
In between and supporting the movement will be a collection of resources: books, videos, audio and workshops that teach core Tribemaster Framework™ concepts.
The first of these books is the N600million practice playbook which has been renamed: The Tribemasters Practice. Content is same just a name and cover design change.
You'll be getting this next week Monday along with your bonuses and a few surprises.
And when I say you...
I am of course referring to those who prepaid for it.
Speaking of Expert Business School, I'm reformating that into a 5 day intensive for people Who just want a road map and aren't interested in joining us at IST.
That's it for today.
Got questions?
Feel free to ask.
Tomorrow I'll share with you the revenue road map that sits behind how we build our practice.
Till then..
Get out of your own way.
PS: So sorry for the late issue, still getting back into the groove of things. To help me stay consistent, I'll be pushing the publishing time for this email to 9am WAT, temporarily till I get back fully into the groove of things.