the truth shall set you free?

Sep 11, 2024 7:55 am

The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #65

FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster

“The truth shall set you free— John 8:32

Hey there!

So yesterday...

The onboarding for participants in the current Quantum Leap Challenge took place and an interesting question popped up:

How do I stay consistent and not lose momentum?

And I figured you might find my response useful as you build your practice.

Here's the thing....

Consistency isn't about's about commitment to purpose.

Each and everyone of us have things in our lives that we've been very consistent in...

Some of us would never be caught dead in public with bushy hair and we've consistently done that for years...

Some of us have provided for our family and put food on the table day in day out in spite of how tough things get...

My point is that we are consistent with the things that matter to us.

No one needs to push you or help you stay "accountable", you do that all by yourself with the things that you consider important.

If you find yourself inconsistent in anything, the sad truth of that reality is that it really doesn't matter that much to you and so you typically don't want to do it if no one is forcing you to.

And the reason it doesn't really matter?

That easy...

It all boils down to how you're thinking about it in your head...

To turn things around especially when I seems like your inconsistency is starting to cost you...

You start by telling yourself the truth about why you don't want to do it

Remember all progress starts with truth.

Once you allow yourself to come face to face with your truth...

Now you have a base from which you work.

For instance...

A lady I work with had problems going live on Instagram consistently...

She knew what to do and yet never got round to doing it consistently.

She gave all sorts of excuses for not consistently showing up but eventually we settled on the truth which was:

I'm afraid I'll draw the wrong attention especially from men.

Given she's a woman of means...the solution was simple,

Get your assistant to filter your messages so you only ever see what's relevant to the work you do and nothing else.

Once the real issue was addressed....

She legit became a livestream monster.

My favorite book says know the truth and it will set you free.

I have found that to be absolutely true.

Till tomorrow..

Get out of your own way/


PPS: The formal public launch of The International Society of Tribemasters is on the 29th of September 2024. After the launch - the minimum investment for joining us will go from $1500 to $3000. If you'd like to lock in you spot with the current investment rates - now is the time to act.

Hit reply and lets talk.
