1 plus 1 equals 2 except when it's 10

Feb 21, 2024 7:55 am

Hey there!

Yesterday was not a good day.

I had a small incident right after sending out yesterday's TDM and pretty much had to spend the day in doctor's care.

But the day wasn't all lost.

The thing with lying on your back waiting for the pretty nurses to warm up to your shining personality is that...

Every now and again you zone out.

And thoughts you don't normally generate come to you.

But I'll talk about that more tomorrow.


I want to finish what we started yesterday.

(No clue? Check TDM issue: Brothers and sisters, it's testimony time)

Ironically yesterday's experience keys in perfectly with our the third core belief that I've seen most of the people I work with, struggle with.

And that is...

3. I'm a loser not a winner

I once worked with an amazing lady.

Back then I wasn't as skilled as I am now at helping people shift and even though I'm grateful for learning the accelerated change technologies that Innocent Usar exposed me to...

Every now and then I still feel a twinge of regret that we didn't connect sooner.

The lady I talked about earlier got so caught up on her mistakes...

Counting her losses, rather than her wins.

And consequently piled up so much guilt and shame accumulate inside them, it did major damage to their self confidence.

The smart thing for us all to do is focus on our wins...

Our progress...

And view mistakes and losses as assets that enhance our overall competence and acumen.

It's very difficult to see yourself as a loser when you've stacked experiential evidence and learning assets that say otherwise.

4. We Must Hustle For The Win

All over social media today, you hear or read the call to hustle culture.

Unfortunately most people confuse it with working hard at a goal and assume they're same thing.

I know.

Been there. Done that. Suffered and didn't even get a t-shirt


Believing that hustling is the only way to win is one of the fastest routes to wasting energy and stamina as entrepreneurs.

I believe that hustle culture is a by product of a fear based mindset.

Add a scarcity mindset to that and we become so attached to outcomes that we make ourselves and everyone around us miserable by default.

The consequence?

We miss out on the real opportunities around us.

Case in point: The story I shared about saying no to a contact that Edward introduced me to (TDM issue: Why smart people win souls)

If I wasn't present and all I cared about was the sale...

It's likely I probably wouldn't have gotten the opportunities I got later.

Making decisions from a place of presence, produces sustainable results.

Doing so from a place of hustle doesn't.

5. I have to know everything

I remember the first time I visited the Obudu Ranch Resort in Cross River State.

I'm sitting across from my host and literally all of a sudden we wear in a fog. Her face faded out and all I could see was the light from the lantern.

I almost panicked.

But she kept on talking like it was nothing.

So I did the same.

And after a while, the fog lifted and I could see her again.

Only now she was topless...





Eventually she gets some sense and takes my jacket and suggests we go back inside.

We'd barely even moved when the fog descended again...heavier.

I was terrified.

I could barely see the lights that guided us back to the reception.

My point?

I had no idea what was happening or why it was happening.

All I could do was keep putting one foot in front of the other...

Hoping the lady snugging up to me wouldn't notice my beating heart and mistake it for excitement rather than what it actually was...




Most people I work with respond the same way as they build their practice.

I’ve seen them become really stressed.


They don't have all the answers.

And they don't want to make a mistake.

This is especially true when I'm helping them scale up and make recommendations that they can't yet understand...

My advice?

Sit with it.

And just keep putting one foot in front of the other in the direction of your goals.

You won't always have the answers or understand everything.

But you can always move forward in spite of that.

6. My peers are doing better than me

I see this a lot with people

For some strange reason, the need to do better than their peers is far more important than the need to do better than their past self.

And instead of staying in your lane and focusing on that...

We waste time and resources looking at other peoples lanes..

And when we see some of our peers who may appear to be ahead of us...


‘doing better than us’...

The outcome can be quite crushing....devastating.

Comparison is a trap.

And one I recommend you don't fall into.

These 6 beliefs I've shared show up pretty frequently.

I hope in sharing them with you, you become aware of them.

Better yet...

You get help with them.


Here's my invite to Limitless

It's on the 24th of February, 2024 at 5pm.




I'll share with you the power of having a clear customer journey and what it can do for your practice.

You need to be thinking at least in terms of a 3 year relationship with your client and provide them with a journey that cater to that.

Till tomorrow.

Play a bigger game.

Get out out of your own way.
