Why you can never finish anything Pt 2

Oct 28, 2022 8:01 am

Hey there..

So a moment ago I sent you the first half of this...

This second half is about overcoming the 3 roadblocks I previously shared so you can start finishing what you start...


Stop obsessing over negatives.

I once had a client who want to start a youtube channel...

The problem: She kept wondering what people will say when they see she's chubby,

She just couldn't get past thought.

And unfortunately I didn't have the skillset that I have now.

We filmed the videos.

But she never launched.

Fast forward to another client who actually started going live but stopped because her livestreams were starting to get attention.

She was afraid the attention wouldn't be a good thing.

A quick reframe and she's now pretty much a life stream queen.


Replace perfect with done.

Stop identifying as a perfectionist.

People aren't going to think better of you simply because YOU say you don't get things done because you want them done well.

In fact they're more likely to curse you under their breathe and say:

Perfectionism kee you dia! (That's Nigerian for "F$#k .....(add colorful words))


Understand that working pressure doesn't actually produce better results...

Claiming you work best under pressure...

Is simply not true.

Research has shown that...

When put under time restraints to complete a task subjects claiming to work better under pressure actually produced worse results.


Don't get stuck on the big picture.

People who don't finish what they start are usually not stuck on what they want to do...

They get stuck on the how...

How to break it down into manageable tasks...

That's what in my humble opinion can be paralyzing.

My advice?

Just do something now.

Start something and get going.

In other news...

I was to share some gossip with us...


The owner of said gossip hasn't given me permission so I'll have to wait.

And if you signed up for the 97 day challenge...

Look out for your invite by 10am tomorrow...

For those already in Expert Business School...

Simply log in and look for the Highly Paid Expert Program in your list of programs...

Starting Monday...

I'll be making the call for our annual Start The Year Right Program...

It's an opportunity for you to think through 2023 and start the year on a strong note.

Till then...

Get out of your own way.

