Building Your Online Speaking Empire

Jun 28, 2020 11:56 am

Hey there

Yesterday was weird..

After sending out the rather lazy email for the day..

I suddenly started having a craving for suya...

That's barbecued meat stripes for those of us outside Nigeria..

Now it wasn't just any suya I was having a craving for...

It was one from a very specific spot on the Island...

The challenge was...

It would take me at least 3hrs to get there and back...


I'd made up my mind to go...


Just for the heck of it...

I posted about my craving on HPEN...

And within 30minutes..

I got a message from a young lady who..

Offered to buy me some and even uber it to me.



I thanked her.

And after receiving it...

Called her for a chat...

Apparently she'd been following me for quite a while...

And just felt "led" to do something nice for me...

Not one to be outdone with kindness...

I offered her a super deal on a consultation with me.

I cannot confirm nor deny that said deal involved more suya.

Now here's where I'm going with this...

She first got to know about me from my live videos...

And over the past 12 months has gone through every last one she could find.

My point?

Speaking...especially speaking online...

Is incredibly powerful.

If you know what you're doing.

This Thursday July 2nd 2020..

I'll be sharing a free strategies for turning your speaking online into clients and money in the bank.

But for now...

Let me give a few things to think about...


Be clear about the journey you're taking your people on.

If you're an avid reader of my emails...

You know that I'm an advocate of you having a methodology you work from...

A framework for helping people produce results...

But it's not enough...

Inside that overall framework are multiple other frameworks...

In the community mastery method™...

We refer to them as SolutionFrames™...

And they're more like roadmaps that take your clients from A to B.

An example is TribeCraft™...

It's the sales and marketing framework inside the Community Mastery Method™...

It takes you from being literally a nobody in your field struggling to get clients...

To becoming a somebody who not only attracts high paying clients....

But also gets paid exactly want they want consistently for doing work they like.

Its a 3 phase journey with a total of 9 steps that need to be completed in order.

You understand?

Your job is to help people complete the journey from where they are now and where they want to be.

Maybe this is someone whose relationships have never worked...

And they're looking desperately for change.

They want to attract their soulmate.

Maybe there’s a naturally shy person who you’ll take on a customer journey.

Someone who can't get a date...

And you're going to help them to be confident and bold and able to approach and talk to the opposite sex.

Or your customer journey could be for someone working a job that they hate.

Trading their time for money.

Selling their life away….

Your job is to help people close the gap between where they are and where they want to be.

I'm not sure who your ideal client is and what customer journey you want to lead them on...

But YOU need to get absolutely clear about that.

Once you've identified someone’s customer journey...

Ask yourself the next question: “What's stopping them?”

What are they missing in...





Or maybe even just information?

What lack of knowledge prevents them...

From closing the gap between where they are and where they want to be?

This is absolutely necessary for successful speaking only...

Without this...

Essentially all you're really doing is helping Facebook create filler content...

You can't build a business or attract clients that put you on a fast track to N40million or $100,000 a year without being clear about this..


Because this is at the foundation of all you speak about.

I'll explain this some more tomorrow.

What you learn at The Brand Acceleration Workshop..

Empowers you to become a really profitable speaker online.

And till midnight today...

You can lock in your seat for the August workshop...

For just N15,000

Simply make your payment to"

Zenith Bank Account : 1001635222

Account name : Victor Ekpo Bassey

Once it's done...

Please send proof of payment to

And I'll take it from there.

Given that Brand Acceleration is N40,000

It'd be silly not to take advantage of this...

Especially if you currently have the cash.

Till tomorrow...

Play a bigger game.



