The One About Assets

Jul 20, 2020 12:01 pm

Hey there


Income always follows assets.

The first time I ever heard that was from Daniel Priestley...

And it's quite literally one of the best advice I've ever gotten since I started my business.

What ever kind of income you want can be gotten from just focusing on the right assets.

It's really quite simple.

If you want need a house

If you want need some shares..

If you want a viable need business assets.

Simple right.'s amazing how often we forget that.

One asset that I think a lot of us take for granted most of the time as experts is our online character.

I personally think it's the most under valued asset we have.

Your online character allows you to charge a premium for your time online

It attracts opportunities.

It gets you speaking gigs and high-paid consulting work

And if you're like me...

It will make Ruth Zubairu try to bribe you with a miserable turkey wing!

Yeah baby...

I went there...mentioned your name and all


Your character can lead to ridiculously high income in a countless number of ways.

In good times and in bad times it can make you the go-to person.

So what goes into creating a very strong online character?

It's TWO key things've got to have valuable insights.

That means ideas,

case studies,


strategies and stories that solve problems or improve lives.

When you open your mouth...

It's shouldn't be a masquerade that flies out!

Second is community


The number and quality of people who know you, like you and trust very important.

You must actively work on consistently and progressively increasing that number.


When It comes to building character online...people generally have two issues:

The first issue is that most people (maybe even you) don’t place a high value on what they know.

Because your knowledge was acquired over decades and you also know other insightful people in your field...

You don’t tend to think of yourself as having valuable insights...or at least not unique insights.

The second issue is that most people have a problem with actively promoting themselves.

This causes three problems.


The world misses out on the value you have to offer and they never get a chance to access your insights.


You miss out on all the money and appreciation people would gladly offer you for helping to solve a problem or improve a situation.


And this is the most painful for me...

IDIOTS who have no agenda other than to get themselves noticed are left to indulge themselves in the spotlight despite the fact you could have offered way more value.

There's been a lot of news on Nigerian tv these past few months about the state of the economy...

Unless you're completely nuts (In which case I strongly recommend you see our resident brilliant pschologist Ayomide Adebayo for a few mind hacks)

It's pretty obvious that playing the commodity game in todays world is a very bad idea.

So...what's the solution?

It's simple...

Invest in assets.

Specifically...Invest in developing a strong character online

Let me know your thoughts


Stubborn HPEN member raises a hand to ask a question...

Victor: Yels..woritiz (Translation: Yes? What is it?)

Stubborn HPEN Member: But...why should I invest in my character and how do I start to do that?

Victor gives him the evil eye....smiles...whilst secretly thinking up different ways to torture said member.

Victor: I can assure that the best asset you can invest in... is your own online character because it’s yours for life, it goes with you wherever you travel (thanks to Google) and it’s not affected by the price of oil.

Concerning how you can start...consider coming along for the Brand Acceleration Workshop

Stubborn HPEN member: But isn't that a paid workshop? I don't have 30k to pay for that o. I want to buy a new laptop for my business.

Victor: Don't buy the laptop.

Stubborn HPEN member starts crying...



The current early bird offer to get a seat at the brand acceleration workshop coming up September ends midnight July 26 2020

To book your seat

Please make a payment for N30000 to Zenith Bank Account 1001635222 account name: Victor Ekpo Bassey

Once payment is made please send proof of payment to

See ya!



