The Purge is coming

Jun 29, 2020 11:56 am

Hey there

So yesterday we started the conversation

about what it takes...

To build your speaking empire online...

We talked about the fact that the very

first thing to do is...

Get clear on the journey that you're taking

your people on...

And of course the first step to that..

Is being absolutely clear on who you

want to take on that journey in the first place.

Once that's sorted...

Next step is: Creating program offerings at multiple levels that provide solutions for your avatar based on the journey you're taking them on...


As practitioners of the Community Mastery Method™...

The job is...

Build an audience...

Turn them to customers....

Convert Customers to clients...


You'll want to offer lower-priced introductory programs

that reduce the “barrier to entry”

The goal here is to build a tribe of buyers...

So the emphasis isn't the price point per se...

But to start to training your people...

To invest in themselves through you.

Another thing...

You don't have to have everything figured out in the beginning...

But you do need to be absolutely clear...

About the problem you've chosen to solve...

And what they'll need to sort out first as a result...

For instance...

I'm about taking you from that place where...

You are literally struggling to make a difference as well as a living...

Selling your expertise online...

To that diving place where you're...

A High profile, highly paid person of influence in your field...

I have a total solution for that called Expert Business School...

At $5000..

Not many people will immediately jump in...

To start building a tribe of customers that will ultimately

become clients...

The Brand Acceleration Workshop is perfect.

First it solves a critical problem that my perfect

client has...

Second it gets them results in advance...

And third...

All things equal...

It further gives me title to the relationship.

When I first started...

My customer builder was the ActionPlan Consultation...


Not so much.

At $1500...

It no longer fits the bill.

So now you know...


I'll share with you

One more vital part of this whole process of building your speaking empire online...

Without it...

You have zero chance of converting customers to clients.


If you've been paying attention...

I haven't said anything about your presentation or talk yet...

That's because that comes much later...


You get the full scoop this thurday during our #hpentraining for the week.

Time: 7pm

Place: The Highly Paid Experts Facebook Group

That's it.

Till tomorrow...

Play a bigger game.




If you're reading this, it's very likely you're an ardent lover of Victor Bassey and his slightly twisted ways.

Starting from the first of July, I'll be purging this list of all non lovers of my ways.

So if you don't get my emails after this...that's why.

