25 ways to create more power and impact
Nov 13, 2021 1:01 pm
Hey there
So did you get to do any epic sh*t yesterday?
I did.
I challenged myself to walk in to a business I didn't know and double their revenue for the day...
The business in question turned out to be a cafe here in Abuja...
Naturally they were sceptical...
But after I explained to them that their deets would be confidential and that it was part of a social experiment I was running they offered to let me try...
So here's what I did...
I asked if they could offer their products at half price and still make a profit...
They said yes...
So I got on canva...
And designed a small card which I then got printed out.
The pitch was simple...
Anytime someone showed up...
Once they place their offer...
Simply make them a counter offer...
Put some money (N3000) down and we'll give you a voucher...The next time you come..If you'd like to hang out...You're first drink is free and anything else is 50% for that day.
Simple right?
Noticing they were reluctant to give it a try...
I offered to be their staff and do the grunt work...
By 3 in the afternoon...
I was done and high on coffee...
Now did I double their revenue...
But I did help them bring in an extra N60,000 they wouldn't have had without me.
Plus make few new friends.
So now I have a new epic story to share.
What was yours?
Being able to tell epic stories as a result of attempting something epic...
Lends a lot of power to your work with your clients...
Here are 25 more ways to create more power and impact in your work...
1. Silence is one of your most powerful coaching tools. When needed, say nothing. Listen far more than you talk.
2. Create enough safety and love that your clients trust you. Deeply.
3. Find clients you can believe in. Then believe in them fiercely. The four most powerful words you can ever hear are: "I believe in you..."
4. Discover what your clients really need. Don't stop when you hear the first thing they say they want.
5. Go deeper. Listen for the real problem, not the presenting problem.
6. Ask “interested” questions not “interesting” questions. (eg. “Tell me more about that…” vs “Here’s what I think … How about you?”)
7. Ask provocative and ‘obvious’ questions.
8. Listen between the words for what’s not being said.
9. Draw out your clients’ secret desires and deepest fears. Find out what really scares them. Fear is often a mask for desire.
10. Draw out the dark side of their gifts and their guilty secrets. When you can say out loud what the voices in your clients’ heads are saying, they will think you are a genius.
It'll scare the sh*t out of them and that's always fun...#evillaugh
11. Be more curious about how they think, than what they think.
12. Pay more attention to the context of your clients’ stories than the content.
13. Most people are more willing to fight for their limitations than to go after what they really, really want.
Don’t indulge them.
hold them up to higher standards.
14. Most people focus only on what seems probable or possible. Expand their thinking. Help them dream big. Help them create what currently seems impossible.
15. Challenge and stretch your clients to the very edge of their comfort zone and beyond.
16. Your clients should say, “I hate you!” on a regular basis. (They should smile when they say this, or you’re doing something wrong!
17. Bring up uncomfortable topics that will really help your clients to grow.
18. Balance challenge with recovery. Don’t just push them, help them to switch off. Most top performers are working far harder than they need or should.
19. Serve your clients, don’t please them.
20. Be willing to make mistakes and to look silly in front of your clients.
21. When needed, lead powerfully. When needed, take a back seat.
22. Hide nothing and hold nothing back. Speak your truth and draw out theirs.
23. Let go of the need to look good. Share your biases, your limitations, your weaknesses and your struggles. (Do this in service of your client, it’s not meant as therapy for you.)
24. Break the rules.
25. If you want clients who are “Royalty,” look for the “Royalty” in everyone you meet.
Which one do you need to work on most?
Till tomorrow...
Play a bigger game.
PS: The closing date for registrations for Start The Year Right ends 17th November 2021....aka midnight wednesday next week.
I've had to bring it forward for personal reasons.
To lock in your seat
If you're in Nigeria and would prefer to make a transfer...
Please do so to:
Zenith Bank Account: 1001635222
Account name: Victor Ekpo Bassey
Once payment is made, please send an email with proof of payment to chieftribemaster@gmail.com with the subject START THE YEAR RIGHT
And I'll take it from there.