Prompt engineering for your soul

Jun 09, 2024 7:55 am

Hey there!

So prompt engineering is the rave these days.

Knowing how to ask Chat GPT the right string of questions is vital to your success with it.


Have ever considered taking time to learn and master some prompt engineering for your HI - your human intelligence?


I'll help jumpstart that for yourself.

Take some time out today and see to the following prompts...

Consider the questions and answer them in your Journal.

  • Looking at the last 7 days, what experiences and "wins" show you've BECOME the person you want to be?
  • Looking at your life right now, what shows you "it's all coming together" for you?
  • If you were fully compassionate toward yourself and others, what would that open up for you?

Let me know what pops for you.

Till tomorrow

Get out of your own way.

