The N600million a year practice playbook

Feb 27, 2024 7:56 am

Hey there!

Today's email is just one of those emails that can more than 10x your current investment in a subscription to TDM.

I'm going to be sharing with you a playbook for building a practice that is ridiculously....



And protects you from the shenanigans of social media.


Before we get into all that...

Let's get some house keeping out of the way.

In yesterday's TDM issue titled: How to make N600m a year selling audio CDs

I shared how for years...

I've openly shared that if I was to start over...

I wouldn't start with PowerIdeas as the primary thing I'd start selling.


To give that context...

I really mean I wouldn't start and run PowerIdeas the way I did at the beginning because truth be told...

PowerIdeas has been a major blessing to me and my family.

There are 4 things that I learned as I built PowerIdeas and eventually made it profitable...

These 4 things make all the difference in how much suffering I endured as I built out the program....

These are the 4 things you need to keep in front of you as you thinking through the building of your practice....

And they are the key ingredients of your success if you are serious about implementing the playbook that I'm about to pass to you.

First you want multiple purchases per client and customer.

The more each client and customer willing invests in themselves through your products and services, the less people or organizations you need to reach your financial goals.

Second you want higher amounts of profit per purchase per client and customer

What that means is that not only do we want our people to buy frequently...

We also want them to willing invest more money in themselves EACH time they buy.

They more they spend per transaction, the fewer transactions you need to reach your goals per time.

Third you want a very solid backend


Seriously though...

What that means is that you want an ecosytem of offers that take your clients and customers on a journey towards the future that you have promised.

Remember when we talked about creating customer journeys?


That comes in pretty handy here.

You create offers that are in moving them along on the journey at all levels of investment.

Fourth you want to systematically build out a tribe of 150, 1500, 15,000 customers.

With 15,000 customers who consistently buy and refer are literally set for life.


I literally just had 4000 more or less and that was a N600million a year profit center before it was sold.

So one of the things I emphasize with the Community Mastery Method™ is the importance of creating and keeping a customer...

Not creating and keeping a fan...

Or a follower...

Or an email subscriber...

It's creating and keeping a customer.


Does size matter?

Yes and no.

The size of your customer base matters....

As far as building out your practice is concerned.

The size of your social media following does not.

Now don't get me wrong...

I'm not saying don't build a massive social media audience if you want to.

I'm just saying that as far as building a practice is concerned...

You don't need hundreds and thousands of social media follows to be profitable.

What you need is CUSTOMERS.

And not even a lot....

If you apply the 4 key distinctions I shared above.

So now that we have that out of the way...

Here's your playbook.

STEP ONE: Create and validate your SolutionFrame™

The biggest mistake I made with PowerIdeas was go into market without a SolutionFrame™ that had been tested and proven to produce the results that I promised.


I didn't even have a clear promise to start with.

My pitch was...

I've got CDs that'll help you build your life and business...interested?

Every once in a long while, I'd get someone who'd pity me and buy and then kinda sorta fall in love with it....

IF...they listened to it.


Above is a picture of PowerIdeas registration forms...

Those forms listed out the focus per year based on something I called StrategicFocus™...

Presenting PowerIdeas as an opportunity to master StrategicFocus™...

Which was basically about how you become more effective and efficient when you priority focusing ONLY on what's important to you in the moment.

I created StrategicFocus purely by accident after reading Brian Tracy's Focal Point.

I'd introduced the book to my PowerIdeas subscribers as a book club option.

Turns out they loved my perspective on the book and pretty soon...

I had different people bringing me in to share with small groups.

Then one guy in particular asked if I could coach him...

I said sure...

And then sent texts to my subscribers to find out if others would be interested...

10 people ended up signing up for it at N100,000 for 6 sessions over a 3 month period...

The Focal Point Book was our text...

Everyone had to get an original copy.

I added mandatory daily accountability via email.

Mastermind sessions....

We met live and in person every two weeks in church...

And I added private access to me.

I called it The StrategicFocus Program.

It was an instant hit.

Fast forward a few sessions...

And I started noticing specific issues repeating themselves...

Based on each groups experience and feed back I developed a framework for it and called it StrategicFocus™...

The results were pretty consistent...

So I pivoted from presenting PowerIdeas as just another motivational program...

To being a tool for elite personal effectiveness that helped you develop...

Personal Management Skills

Sales and Marketing Super Powers

And Leadership skills..

And those become the core of all I did with PowerIdeas.

The I summarized all that into a 45mins CD that became our lead CD.

9 out of every 10 people who listen to the Strategic Focus CD become subscribers to PowerIdeas...

I was no longer regurgitating what I read in books...

I was talking everyday life issues and offering tested and proven solutions backed with actual real life case studies.

I'd finally found my voice.

PowerIdeas took off!

SolutionFraming™ is central to this playbooks success.

Everything starts and ends with you having a well formed and validated SolutionFrame™

Need help with that?.

Hit reply and let's talk about you being a part of next month's Creating The Perfect Offer masterclass...

For now I'll stop here...

And Continue with the other ingredients of the playbook tomorrow.

Got questions?

Ask away.

Till then..

Play a bigger game.

Get out of your own way.

