I beg you...please don't be an idiot
Jun 03, 2022 7:01 am
Hey there ,
A few years back I had some pretty bad blood pressure issues...
So I had my concierge doctor come over to my place one evening to advice me about what I needed to do...
After a long sermon about what I had to do or stop doing...
I asked him for a short cut...
What's the one thing I could do to end this experience for good.
He looked me dead in the eye and said:
Here's the shortcut: Don't Be An Idiot!!
It was incredibly funny to me..
But it made perfect sense.
What he meant was...
Focus one hundred percent on everything you know will keep you healthy and your blood pressure down.
And that's fantastic advice...
Especially for those of us working on manifesting our "impossible" goals.
The most common concern raised in my practice by people in Project Exponential when I talk about following your intuition...
Getting advice from your better self through Time Piercing™...
The most common concern is that it will somehow lead to massive to massive financial irresponsibility or even the abandonment of their families.
Since I know that's never going to happen...
I sometimes use the following analogy to address their concerns...
Imagine you buy a new car that has a GPS system pre-installed.
You are enjoying getting a feel for how the car drives and how much easier it is to simply be guided by the GPS than to have to pre-plan your route.
After a time, the GPS tells you to take a left turn ahead.
When you look...
There is a large building exactly where the GPS system is telling you to go.
Do you:
a) crash your car into the building?
b) Stick on the main road and wait for the GPS system to recalculate your route?
In other words...
Just because you begin to rely on a real-time...
Highly responsive navigational system...
Doesn’t mean that you suddenly become an idiot.
My experience has been that our common sense and deeper inner wisdom work best when used together.
The wisdom of our deeper mind guides our way forward whenever we let it, without ever trying to take away our free will.
And the more we come to rely on that deeper wisdom to guide us...
The more we’ll start to notice our common sense coming out to play whenever we need it most.
Till tomorrow...
Get out of your own way.