Zero to $100million in 4 months

Dec 03, 2021 1:02 pm


I started working with Ekama or Jiji as I like to call her...about 5 months ago.

She was the very first project exponential client that I ever had...

The investment?


And that was after a year of consistently pitching to anyone who cared to listen.

And in a sense I'd achieved something I previously thought impossible for me.

Project Exponential is about helping powerful people achieve impossible things.

When I had my first conversation with Jiji...

She told me her goal was to raise $100million to build a world class university in Dubai...

It's a goal she'd been working on for 3 years before we met.


About 5 months ago...

We had a conversation about fund raising and she made a statement in passing about how powerful she'd be...

If she had the fundraising capabilities of Elon Musk.

Long story short...

We modeled and installed Elon's values and beliefs in her...

Then to test things...

I asked her:

Who is the best fundraiser in the world?

And she literally ducked to the side as if to dodge something I'd flung at her...

I'd gotten my answer!

Apparently the work hadn't been done yet.

So I did a bit of role play and got her to pretend to me whilst I pretended to be her....

And had her ask me the same question...

And with all the intensity I could muster...

I said:







The World.

She said her computer screen literally vibrated on her end...

And she felt chills go down her spin when she head me...

Then I asked her to sign off and consider the answer to the question:

Who is the best fundraiser in the world?

And when she had a convincing answer...reach out to me.

About a week later...she sent me an email..

Obviously I can't share everything in the email...

But here's the except I have permission to share:


This has locked my future and has secured my goals.

I am the best in the world!!!

The best fundraiser in the world!!!

Best professional fundraiser there is!!!!

Best at my craft!!!!

Best in my field!!!!

PAID!!!!!!!!! I AM!!!!!!!!!!

The scary thing is this isn't enough for me nor good enough

Love you Victor.

I want you to witness this play out in my interaction everyday.

I know that's not possible now but you will experience and see the results.

And It will bless my life to know you've got my back!

Again, I am the best in the game!!!

Best at my craft!!!!


When I read her email...

I cried.

It was very obvious that something had shifted powerfully for her.

That week...

She raised $20million...

And as of my birthday, 4 months later, she'd raised $100million.

A goal we'd initially thought would take us a year to achieve...

She got it in 4 months.

What changed?

What made that possible?

I'll tell you.

It's a powerful example of what happens when we get out of our own way.

And make a clear definite decision to live from who we're committed to being...

And not from who we want to be.

It's commitment not confidence that is the major requirement for breakthroughs.

Failure to commit is the high cost of low or mediocre living.

So I ask you today?

Who are you committed to being in 2022?

Have you even ever considered that question or made a definite decision about that?

You see...

You can talk a big game...

But when push comes to shove...

Behaviour never lies...

And behaviour is a direct result of how you see yourself.

If I asked you who the best in your field is...

Would you like the old Jiji mention everyone but you?

Why not make today the day you are reborn as the very best in your field and live every day from there?

The person you see yourself to be is an incredibly powerful catalyst for creating the impossible in your life.

I have the advantage of having front row seats at the theater of miracles...

I've seen my clients achieve amazing things that they previously thought impossible...

And whilst they are all incredibly gifted individuals...

The shift alway happens why they die to who they were...

In order to begin to live from who they are committed to being.

It's pretty simply...

But that doesn't necessarily make it easy.

The year 2022 for me is the year of possibilities...

A year of exploring what else is possible and if you're game...

I'd also love to partner with you to see what's possible for you...

A great place to start would be with the 90 Day Money Game...


What level of income could you bring into your life if you really gave yourself permission?

I honestly don't know what the answer is for you but I'd like to find out...

Wouldn't you?

If you'd like to lock your spot the 90 day money game at the group or private level...


Concerning the private option...

It's a modest $5000 investment or N2.5million and only 10 spots available.

The advantage is you have me working with you privately week after week to create your own money breakthroughs.

If you have questions about that or just want a conversation about what's possible before making your investment...

Hit reply and let me know.

Till tommorrow...

Play a bigger game..


