who do you think you are?

Sep 09, 2024 7:55 am

The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #63

FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster

what we say + what we do = what we get— Kam

Hey there!

Guess what the most common question asked in Nigeria is....

It's "Who are you?"

Our obsession with individual identity is fascinating to me.

Here's the interesting thing....

The answer to that question has more to your personal standards of behavior than the conscious ideas you have in your head about who you are.


Let me explain.

Behavior Never Lies!

If there's a gap between what a person says and what they do...

Focus on what they do - not what they say.

They can try to explain with words but it's their behavior that defines the real message they are sending.

I can tell you this with complete confidence…

By examining your behavior…

I can see a clear picture of your commitment...

I can get a sense of your character...

I get a near perfect understanding of your beliefs...

And I can most always see what you are really made of.

Your behavior is a reflection of what you believe to be true about yourself.

Your behavior tells me how you think.

It tells me all I need to know about what you are really truly committed to.

When you say that you are a professional and eager for new opportunities, but you show up late and unprepared…your behavior exposes you.

When you say that you love someone, but do not demonstrate that love through your actions…

Your behavior creates doubt and sends the message that your words are not to be trusted.

When you say that you value and believe in good health, but you feast on junk food and do not exercise…your behavior exposes you as a fraud.

When you say one thing to your employees, partner or children, but act in a totally different manner…your behavior screams hypocrisy.

Here’s a mathematical perspective on the relationship between words and actions:

Values and Philosophies —> What We Say

+ Policies and Practices —> What We Do

= Results and Perceptions —> What We Get!

Results are everything and if you are not pleased with your results, and if the perception you have created is not the one that you want…

Get to work on making sure that your behavior is in harmony with your words — there is no other way to close this perception gap!

Here's a plan for doing just that:

1. Model the type of behavior you want to see practiced by others.

There is nothing more powerful for people to experience than observing you demonstrate the actions and behaviors you are requesting from others.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Become the change you wish to see in the world.”

2. If you make a rule or design a process…follow it to the letter.

Why would anyone be inclined to follow the rules if the rule makers don’t?

3. Reward and celebrate the behaviors you want demonstrated.

Inspire, hold up and publicly acknowledge the virtuous behavior you want to see repeated and reinforced.

4. Do what you say you’re going to do…and do it immediately.

Don’t ever make a commitment or a promise that you cannot keep.

People want to trust you and your leadership, therefore always demonstrate initiative, follow through and personal responsibility.

5. Honor your commitments, keep your promises and actively practice what you preach.

With these five steps as a guide, you will be prepared to live a life where you are free to reach a place where confusion, contradiction, and hypocrisy no longer define who you are.

WHAT YOU DO IS WHO YOU ARE...is so much more than a statement about your behavior and your character…

It is a truth that when understood and accepted, will transform your own life and provide you with a better understanding of the people who are part of your life.

Till tomorrow..

Get out of your own way/


PPS: The formal public launch of The International Society of Tribemasters is on the 29th of September 2024. After the launch - the minimum investment for joining us will go from $1500 to $3000. If you'd like to lock in you spot with the current investment rates - now is the time to act.

Hit reply and lets talk.
