[TDM] The Daenerys Targaryen School Of Thought Leadership

Mar 30, 2022 7:01 am

Hey there

Don't know about you but I'm a big fan of the game of thrones tv show.

And if you haven't gotten round to watching it just yet...

I suggest you do.

The political intrigue is insane.

But that's not what this email is about.

One of my favorite characters is Daenerys Targaryen...

known by most as the mother of dragons because she basically has 3 dragons that more or less do anything she wants.

Now in the age she lives in...

That's a huge unfair advantage during war.

My big question is...

What's your? 

What's your unfair advantage?

Marketing as a thought leader is a long-term strategy.

We need to be careful of too much push marketing and be mindful of the position we create in the marketplace.

And just in case you're wondering...

When I say push marketing...

I'm referring to any kind of marketing promotion you do that involves you asking people to buy.

There's a place for it...

But you've gotta be careful.

I once talked about how we need to approach our thought leadership practice the same way a brain surgeon approaches theirs...

Each time I see the marketing materials of a thought leader I ask myself,

"is this what a brain surgeon would use to promote their services?"

What kind of marketing are you using?

Are you marketing like a brain surgeon?

Brain surgeons are mostly referred by trusted advisors...

Brain surgeons are known for what they do well...

Brain surgeons are specialists at problem solving...

Brain surgeons have a reputation that is gold...

Every time you send marketing out be careful not to become a commodity by pushing too hard.

Start with service in mind and keep the quality and the value high.

I am not saying that you can’t learn from existing marketing angles and use the skills of great push marketing...

Not at all...

Those strategies obviously work.

You just need to be careful to keep an eye on the long-term view of reputation to attract people into your business.

Here are 5 things you can do to market like a brain surgeon....

1. Be insanely great at what you do.

The better you are the more you will be paid and the more people will talk about you.

Pay attention to your growth.

Development is critical! (thanks, Steve Jobs)

Don't get so busy that you don't have tie to work on your intellectual property.

That's the foundation of everything you do in the market place.

2. Create a communication platform and regularly send out content-based communications that are short and highly valuable.

Social media makes this very easy to do.

I believe that in today's age of communication..

It's the person who starts and facilitates conversations that controls the attention of the market...

And as you know attention is gold.

You need a place or medium to hold that conversation...daily.

That's why it's vital to start your own community.

But even more important is to facilitate your community work with a newsletter.

3. Tell people what you are doing well.

When you have a win, announce it.

Don't be shy about it.

People love progress.

People want to be a part of progress.

People invest in progress.

4. Identify 6 key people who can refer what you do and treat them like gold.

To a very large extent...

We are all defined by the company we keep.

Leveraging our combined influence to support each other...

If you and six of your peers got together to support each other...

It's amazing what can happen.

5. Always focus on the problems and challenges your clients face and communicate solutions in every interaction.

Be the solution your market is looking for,

As commodities are replaced by cheaper alternatives and people compete for the same business...

The new ‘unfair advantage’ is not having three dragons at your beck and call...

Though that would be totally awesome.

When push comes to shove...

They can roast and eat the competition for you.

In today's world...

The unfair advantage is to hold the space as a guru… an expert… a thought leader.

Be great...

Get good.

Get known...

Get paid...

And most important...

Get out of your own way.

