My toes are better than yours

Feb 16, 2024 7:55 am

Hey there!

Yesterday I had a pedicure.

It was fun in some pretty weird unexpected way.

And no...

I'm not sharing.

What I will share is what she said at the end of the pedicure...

You have beautiful feet. It just took a bit of care and attention to make it obvious.

And in a sense...

That's the story of us.

We are collections of hidden advantages that only become obvious with a bit of care and attention.

One way that happens is if you take productization seriously.

Before I get into the productization of a conversation....

See what i did there?

Productization of a conversation...

The rhyme?


#sigh #toughcrowd

Let me lay the 5 core elements of productization out for you...

First remember that in the Community Mastery Method™, a product is organized intellectual that solves a specific problem for a specific person or group of persons.

And with that out of the way...

Here are the five.

  1. It's organized intellectual property
  2. It solves a clear problem
  3. It delivers specific measurable results
  4. It's has clear instructions for getting the best results
  5. It's named

How do you apply this to productizing a conversation?



Organize the flow of the conversation.

This will vary depending on the kind of conversation you want to have.

One thing that my mother taught be about dating that still serves me till today is never wing a date.

In other words...

Never show up at a date and just expect the conversation to flow.

You've got to plan the conversation in advance...

And yet allow for surprises.

My go to plan was a set of questions that take about 3hrs to get through and that focuses all attention on my date.

Usually by the time I'm done asking the questions, it's time to go home and more often than not she doesn't want the date to end....

Done right...

She's pretty much open to a kiss and a hug at the end of the night....

And a lot more if I was so inclined.

But my mother said it's not about rushing in for the "kill", it's about stimulating desire and setting her up to think about you after you've left.

If you can get a man or woman to fantasize about you...

You pretty much have them where you want them.

When I meet people and want to have a non salezy enrolling conversation with them, here's my flow is basically a series of question that let me know whether or not this person is a good fit:

  1. What do they want?
  2. What do they have?
  3. What's holding them back?
  4. What do they need to know?
  5. What are my recommendations for next steps

The benefit of this is I gift the person with perhaps the only opportunity they have to really think through what they want...

And so it's value in advance.

Never get into conversation without a clear flow that delivers results whether they choose to work with you or not.


Never offer to have a purposeless conversation.

Your offer for a conversation must come from your prospect identifying a problem that needs solving...


That realization MUST come from a context that YOU have provided.

In order words...

If your point is to enroll people into your program..

Then they must first and foremost be exposed to your SolutionFrame™ in order for them to get some context for thinking about and identifying what to label as a problem...

Never get into a conversation without giving context for the problem you're helping them with.


What results can they expect from a conversation with you?

And you've got to list those results so they know what to expect.

Once listed you have to make sure you deliver on all that you have promised.


In productizing your conversation, it's important for you to be clear how the conversation will go and how they can make best use of their time with you.

If you don't do that...

A 15mins conversation now turns into a 3 hour motivational seminar for one.

And finally...

Name the conversation.

Give it a name.

The moment you do that...

It becomes a tangible offer.

So that's that.

That's how you productize your conversation.


I'll be sharing with you 21 strategic ways to launch you message and take your SolutionFrame™ out into the world so you're seen and hear by the right people and for the right reasons...

Till then...

Get out of your own way...

Play a bigger game than you've ever played before.

