Why nobody cares about your content

Nov 21, 2022 6:56 am

Hey there!

So this evening by 6pm...

The first of our training videos for the Certainty Workshop drops...

If you haven't yet signed up for it...

That my friend is very unfortunate.

Registrations are now officially closed.

Over the next few days...

I'll be talking to us about something I refer to as Stealth Content Influence™...

Typically the most powerful way to influence people...

Is to not let them know you're influencing them.

Understanding this...

Is a major part of getting out of your way in 2023.

And a major part of Stealth Influence online is content...

Now hold on just a moment.

I'm not talking content like you've probably been taught to think about content...

I'm talking about content that helps your clients bridge the gap between...

What they know they should be doing and what they actually do.

For instance...

You know you're supposed to workout 3x a week...

But you only do once a week...

Sending you videos or content about the value of working out isn't going to help you change behavior...


You want to stop smoking...

You get information that smoking is bad...

But you keep smoking even though you want to stop...

Is giving you more information about smoking going to change anything?

What needs to be done is to share content that gets you to change behavior...

Not more content that informs.

And that's a major difference between what we do in the Community Mastery Method™...vs what other people do.

Most are focused on sharing what is right...

And telling us what we should be doing...

But if I know what I should be doing but don't do it...

Is you "valuable content" really valuable to me?

Here's how we define valuable content in the Community Mastery Method™

Valuable content is content that get's you to modify your behavior so you can close the gap between where you are and where you want to be - CTM

If you understand this...

And act on it...

You'll be more powerful than any one of your contemporaries who don't understand this...

You'd be able to dismantle the beliefs that hold your people back from getting what they want...

Your email open rates will shoot up...

The number of people who complete your programs will radically increase...

And your ability to lead your market will compound.

But beyond all that...

You ability to engineer transformations in your clients and your market place as a whole will be insane..

This is literally the holy grail of influence.


CTM how exactly do you get this done?

Here's the short answer:


You start by understanding what I refer to as the fundamental human condition:


If you get people to believe that you see them...

Hear them...

Understand them...

They'll binge watch all your content and carry you in their heads as the ONLY person that "gets IT".


You train them with Nanosteps™...

Small requests that subconsciously train them to comply in their own best interest...


Influence cannot be obvious if it is to be effective.

The long answer is for you to join me for the Stealth Content Influence Workshop...

You can get a free ticket to the workshop if you sign up for Start The Year Right by Midnight Friday, November 25th 2022.

The Stealth Content Workshop kicks off next Monday, the 27th of November 2022 at 6pm.

If you're already registered for Start The Year Right...

No need to to anything more...

You're good to go...

To register for Start The year Right CLICK HERE

If you're in Nigeria and prefer to make direct bank transfers...

Please make your payments to:

Zenith Bank Account: 1001635222

Account Name: Victor Ekpo Bassey

Once payment is made...

Please send an email to chieftribemaster@gmail.com with proof of payment and I'll take it from there...


I'll talk about the Decision Compass™...

These are the 5 things that people consider before they buy...

Or adopt a new decision...

Or change a behavior...

The Decision Compass is essential to helping your people take Nanosteps™...

Once you understand this...

You'll never create content the same way again...

You're gonna love it.

Till tomorrow..

Get out of your own way.


PS: Yes...still shamelessly reminding you that it's my birth month and I'm still open to receiving gifts and surprises thank you very much. My birthday is November 30th. Feel free to make it a big deal.
