How to engineer trust
Jun 07, 2024 7:55 am
Hey there!
In our training on "How to launch a global coaching and consulting practice that thrives in any economy"...
One of the key distinctions that I shared was about the fact that our purpose for sharing content as Tribemasters isn't to educate, inspire, inform or even entertain.
Those are very nice side benefits no doubt.
But our primary goal as Tribemasters is to engineer trust with content.
I say "engineer trust" with intent because trust isn't so easily given these days given the number of things fighting for our attention.
We want to engineer trust...
Then earn it...
Then Keep it.
And in order to do that we have to shift in our thinking about what we do to bring people into our world...
I'm talking the right people.
A major shift in thinking will have to be moving from focusing on lead generators to creating and distributing trust amplifiers.
Everyone you come in contact with online is facing three major obstacles that stand between them and the achievement of their goals...
These obstacles are behind everything stopping people...
And they are:
- Confusion about their future and what to do
- Fear concerning the future and the achievement of what they want
- Inadequacy and the feeling that they lack the ability to get what they want
The first step towards engineering trust online with content is to create an opportunity for them to have a mini breakthrough in thinking that leads them to:
- Clarity about their future and what they want
- Confidence that they can get it
- Assurance that they can develop the capabilities that they need
That mini mental breakthrough in thinking is what we call Insights.
Now notice...
The emphasis here is on sparking insight...
Not creating value.
And there's a big difference between the two.
Trust Amplifiers are created with that intent: to spark insights.
They are written, audio or video content designed specifically to create an opportunity for YOUR PEOPLE to have a mini breakthrough in thinking in their heads that leads to...
More clarity...
Greater confidence...
And a deep conviction about their capabilities.
The Trust amplifier is based on your Solutionframe.
Done correctly it can immediately create a client.
In the case where it doesn't create a client immediately them you most create a platform to expose your people to even more trust ampliers...
That platform is what I refer to as a trust amplifier plaform.
Inside the Trust Amplifier Platform, you consistently demonstrate integrity, accountability and leadership...
And as you do that...
You people warm up to you and eventually you find your self in the midst of a flood of people wanting to buy...
Demand for you goes up...
Life gets really good.
Implementing the trust amplifier platform will get you to about $40,000 a month in revenue.
I'll share with you the 5 systems you have to have in play in order for this to work...
And invite you to our next training.
Till then.
Get out of your own way.