I'm bored

Jun 09, 2024 2:55 pm

Hey there!

So two emails in one day...

A Sunday no less...

I must really be desperate for company.


Truth be told I'm not desperate..

Just bored.

So I figured i might as well share a thought with you.

On Saturday I hosted the very first session of my Influence Architecture Masterclass.

One of the things I shared was just how willing people are to give up their sovereignty.

Just as long as they have a good excuse to trust...

Most people will have other people run their lives.

But I digress...

I want to share a thinking skill that took me a while to learn

Imagine what I ask you the following question:

“If you could have it any way you want it and didn’t have to worry about how to make it happen, how much do you want to be earning a year from now?”

Depending on how long you've been a part of my world...

Your answer would probably somewhere between...

$150k to info countable billions.

Until I ask why?

Then I'll probably get two kinds of answers..

On one hand you might say given what you're producing now...

If I do this and this...

I'll get there.

On the other hand...

You might not necessarily have an answer to the question "why?"

Either response has issues.

Let's start with the first...

The first response is basically what you get when you confuse what with how.

The question was, “If you could have it any way you want it and didn’t have to worry about how to make it happen, how much do you want to be earning a year from now?”

Rather than answer the question honestly...

You got in your own way by focusing on what you think is possible based on your current experience.

Read that again

Before letting yourself dream...

You asked, “Well, HOW will I get there?”

That's like saying...

“I don’t know HOW I can get what I really want, so I’m going to settle and aim for something less.”

Do you see it?

Now your target is something your really want.

But you assume it’s the best you can hope for.


So now passion is out the window.

You won’t be willing to take the risks because who wants to take risks for something you don’t really want?

With passion out the window...

Fear steps in like a boss and leads the show.

That my friend is how you stay stuck.

It's important to learn how to separate Thinking about we want from thinking about how to get it...

This little skill will change your life because it frees you to finally focus on what you really, really want.

It helps you keep fear away and do what you need to do.

It will change your life and bring you customers.

But most important...

You'll get out and stay out of your own way.

