Are you attracting serious prospects?
Aug 12, 2024 7:55 am
The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #42
FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster
“Content is the lifeblood that flows in, out and through all you do to GET RESULTS for your audience of seekers, tribe of customers and circle of clients” — CTM
Hey there!
So there's no doubt that content is important to our success online and offline.
A few years back I conducted a 4 year research into what made the best of the best in the expert field stand out - there were a number of things but the most common denominator is compelling cutting edge content.
In building a Tribemaster Practice, an audience of seekers is vitally important.
Question: How do you build an audience of people who want what you have and are willing and able to pay for it?
The answer is to share insights: content that shows you have a deep understanding of your subject matter, and that sparks aha moments for your content consumers.
There are a number of content types that do this very well but today I want to share with you a bit of what I share with my higher level clients.
There are 2 content types that are particularly very powerful in drawing the right people to you.
1) Your way of thinking about the subject matter
This is were your DSS and SolutionFrame comes in.
I have number of clients who $50million+ a year.
I currently don't bring in anywhere close to that currently.
They're better traveled than I am...
Better exposed...
And typically have access to a better quality of life and opportunity than I currently do.
Why would they chose to work with someone who doesn't make as much as they do?
Ans: The Way Of The Tribemaster (the principles, values and beliefs, strategies and tactics that make up the Tribemaster Framework)
The Way of the Tribemaster is my way of thinking about success in life and at the market place.
These high value individuals follow me not because I'm better than they are but because they resonate with my way of thinking about things...
And consequently choose to be accountable to my standards for success.
2) Future Potential
I was once on a call with a customer who made pretty much the same core mistake most of us make - speaking to everyone but those we actually want to speak to.
Let say like me you want to help people make money with their expertise and you actually know you stuff.
There are two ways you can go about it as far as you content game goes.
You can say: Here's to make $10,000 a month...
As valuable as this kind of messaging is - it will invariably attract people who do not yet make $10,000 a month.
Now if like me you have a program that you charge $10,000 form you'd be hard pressed to make any sales simply because of the buying capacity of the people you're attracting by your messaging.
If instead of saying here's how to make $10,000 a month...
You said: Here's how to make an EXTRA $10,000 a month
That small change in the focus of you messaging will put you in front of a totally different quality of seekers.
Messaging is incredibly powerful but a simple change in words could change the quality of the results you produce.
Put these two ideas to test and let me know your results.
Till tomorrow..
Get out of your own way
PS: Just so you know - the very first year of Tribemaster Confidential will be uber focused on upleveling your messaging and content game.
And if you're just joining us - Tribemaster Confidential is our monthly publication for Tribemasters - Every month you get an issue with the most up to date strategies for building a wildly successful and highly profitable Tribemaster Practice.
We debute on the 29th of September, 2024 with the formal launch of Tribemasters.