It is time to empty out your closet

Jul 29, 2024 7:40 am

The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #28

FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster

Community is the IP market place of the future” 


Hey there


I made some money over the weekend without directly making any offers from people who have never bought from me before or even heard of me before friday.

Whilst harassing Tribemaster members to create a 3k offer literally over night and get it launched today.


This is normal.

Because I made it normal.

In the next few weeks a few of the 18 people who bought something from me over the weekend will buy something else.

Because I made this normal too.

It's amazing to me and my mind how much IP people sit on.

I'm talking good stuff just rotting away on hard drives or buried inside programs and courses being seen by only a few people.

Sitting on IP while running all over the place like a chicken with it's head cut off in the name of looking for clients.

Here's the cold hard truth...

98% of people who find you won't buy your high ticket thing.

95% won't want to have a conversation with you with you.

80% won't even respond to your messages or emails.

Once your SolutionFrame is validated...

Understand that everyone you come in contact with is a buy...

They buy things all the time...

Just not your thing.


Well if I was to hazard a guess - it's probably because you're not consistently making multiple offers based on your SolutionFrame.

Instead you probably have just one thing you're trying to sell that doesn't give you options for anything else.

And when you do start thinking of multiple offers to make, they don't land because there's no plan to them.

You're literally just throwing stuff around and hoping somehow it'll land.

In the Tribemaster Framework - we create what we call Offer stacks.

One product with multiple built in offers that ultimately sell each other.

Here's an example of a stack:

  • A monthly series of low cost ebooks based on your SolutionFrame
  • A workshop series
  • A core program that people can get into at multiple levels of access to you

All based on your Solutionframe.

The three offer stack above is just one product with three offers in it and has recurring revenue built into each of of the offers and by default creates customers who buy over and over again and ultimately become clients.

Buyers have intent.

They buy for a reason.

If you find out the reason you can probably turn them into customers.

Customers buy regularly.

If you turn them into customers you can probably turn them into clients.

Clients can stay for a long time.

Creating buyers, cash flow and momentum from offers is simple.

At the very least...

Make something good.

Make it digestible and easy to action.

Over deliver even if it's 'cheap'.

Make it the best it can be and offer it to your market.

Tomorrow those buyers will be loyal customers and you'll both be further along than you were today.


Go clean out your digital closet.

Clean out your hard drive?

What do you have in there?

At the very least set up a store on Selar or anywhere else...with the resources lying useless on your hard drive.

And simply drive people there.

If you'd like to be a bit more sophisticated about this...

Join us at Tribemasters.

Till tomorrow

Get out of your own way.

