be the canvas not the script

Aug 27, 2024 7:55 am

The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #54

FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster

Your life is a canvas not a script — CTM

Hey there,

So yesterday I shared the story of how my youngest got done in 3 days what she thought would take 6 years.

And whilst I shared the most basic of steps in creating a Quantum Leap Experience™...

There is some nuance I didn't get round to sharing.

So I figured I might as well do that today.

But first...

Let me give a bit of background for that so we have the same context.

Over the past 5 months I've made a series of quantum leaps:

Letting go of HPEN/EBS and going all in with The International Society of Tribemasters™.

Refining my thinking about Community Mastery Method and eventually landing on The Way Of The Tribemaster™

Landing my first $100,000 client.

Dialing in on my most important relationships

Doubling the time I spend with my 3 girls

Enjoying a deeper level of connection with Kitana - the love of my life.

Surviving two near death experiences and as a result gaining a clear perspective on what's important to me.

Here's what all this has taught me:

First - Question your assumptions

My jumps happened when I had the courage to challenge and question my assumptions about how things are meant to be.

Assumptions about my business model.

Assumptions about pricing

Assumptions about how I serve my clients

Assumptions about my use of time and energy.

And as I question them more and more I open up more options for creating the future that I want for me.

I'm currently working with an amazing lady who wants an amazing relationship with her husband.

She'd read the books, taken the courses and dragged her husband screaming and kicking to couples therapy - nothing worked.

And so I asked her a simple question: What does it mean to be a wife to your husband?

It amused me as she struggled with the question.

As we discussed the assumptions she had about what it means to be a wife to her husband, one thing became clear to her.

In her own words: "I don't want to be his wife. I want to be his lover and friend."

It's a very subtle but critical distinction.

And it spelled a totally new level of connection and conversation between them

Concerning what you want for you: what assumptions are you not questioning and as a result holding yourself back.

Second - Uncomplicate things

Simple is where the money is at.

With Tribemasters™ I went from two offers (The Academy and The Society) to just one one offer with multiple tiers of access to me.

That happened because I question the assumptions I had concerning my first model and had the courage to uncomplicate what I was complicating.

And I did it in real time too - so you've pretty much had a front row seat as I build this out.

Sometimes we hold ourselves back from what's possible because we over complicate things.

The lady I'm working with has a list of criteria for what makes a great marriage.

Ironically none of that factored in what she really truly wanted: To love and be loved

And don't get me started on the complicated response she had to the question: what does it mean to love and be loved?

What are you complicating that needs to be uncomplicated?

Third - Simplify and Optimize

The problem with complicating things is that more often than not we start optimizing for things that shouldn't even be in the picture.

I am clear about one thing:

I want to help experts build a wildly successful and highly profitable global practice that matters.

I know that means a practice that brings in $500k to $1.5m for a Tribemaster working 3 days a week with one or two support staff.

Ultimately I know that means my clients become high profile, highly paid persons of influence in their field with strong legacies of contribution.

But the more complicated I made things - the more I drifted from that core focus.

Now I'm hyper focused on simplifying my focus and really dialing in on creating these results for more people.

The lady I'm working with made more progress in 6 weeks than she did in 4 months of couple's therapy by knowing what to optimize for in her marriage in order to get what she wants

She clearly defined what it means to be loved by her husband and what it means to love her husband.

Now rather than fight over the intimacy she thought she wanted - she optimizes respecting him the way he wants to be respected and leverages that to create the connection she wants.

What are you optimizing for?

Third - Accelerate feedback

Everything produces a result.

The smart thing is to pay attention to the results you're producing and change as needed to produce the results you want.

Feedback is not always pleasant but it's necessary.

Over the last few months, I've paid uber attention to the results I produced and modified my behavior and actions more and more to move towards what I want.

That has led to a number of personal and public changes.

Same with the lady I'm working with.

She now approaches her marriage pretty much the same way she approaches her career - with deliberate conscious planning.

I find it amusing how we are deliberate about everything except the things that actually contribute to our personal sense of joy.

Are you paying attention to the feedback that you're getting or are you just coasting and hoping things will get better?

Each and everyone of us has it in us to create quantum leaps in progress if we just get out of our own way.

If you'd like to work with me to actually support you in making that kind of transformation happen for you in real time....

I'm inviting you to join me in Start The Year Right where we'll focus on getting done in 3 months what you wanted to get done in 12 months.


See you on the inside.

Till then...

Get out of your own way

