Finding Love and Chasing Dreams - A Special Anniversary Message
Aug 30, 2024 7:55 am
The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #56
FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster
“She's my earth, my sky, and my center” — Victor Ekpo Bassey
Hey there,
Today's a big day for me - it's my 16th wedding anniversary!
I've been in love with Kitana for 26 years and married to her for 16.
As I celebrate this milestone, I wanted to share something with you.
My journey with my wife got me thinking about dreams and goals.
You see...
Falling in love is a bit like finding your passion.
When I first saw her...
One look and I knew she was special.
But making our relationship work and last....
That took commitment and work on both sides...
Just like pursuing any big dream does.
For 26 years...
I've been committed to loving her.
For 16 years...
I've been committed to our marriage.
It hasn't always been easy...
But it's always been worth it.
What dreams are you committed to?
What goals light you up inside, the way Kitana's lights up my world?
Maybe it's starting a business or a practice...
Learning a new skill...
Or making a difference in your community.
Whatever it is: COMMIT
Commit to it 100% just like I have committed to my marriage.
Stick with it through thick and thin.
Put in the work, even when it's hard.
Celebrate your progress.
Success hardly ever happens overnight.
It's about showing up day after day...
Believing in what you're doing and not giving up.
That's how you build a lasting marriage...
And that's how you achieve your biggest goals.
I feel like I blinked and 16 years flew past...
As I celebrate that and 26 years of love...
I'm rooting for you and your dreams.
Stay committed...
Keep pushing forward...
And don't forget to enjoy the journey.
Most important of all...
Get out of your own way.
Here's to love, commitment, and chasing dreams!