Unlock Your Future: The Magic of Temporal Recalibration

Jul 12, 2024 7:58 am

The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #1

FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster

Hey there

Have you ever felt like your past was holding you back from doing what you've always wanted to do?

I mean...

You know what to do...

Heck you even advice others on what to do and they get fantastic results...

But somehow you just can't seem to get yourself to do what you know you should do in order to get the results you deserve.

A recent survey by Boston University found that 70% of people feel trapped by their past experiences.

But what if I told you there's a way to change that?

And especially without medication?

About two years back I worked with a delightful lady called Sarah (not her real name - she said I could share the story but to keep her anonymous).

Sarah had big dreams for her practice but found that she kept sabotaging her best efforts.

When we started working together I noticed that she was a beast when it came to getting things done - until it involved her bringing in anything above N2million.

If media attention remotely meant she'd make more that that - she'd find a way to sabotage it.

If a program seemed like it was going to start bringing in more than N2million a month, she'd find something to quarrel over with her clients and once she was back below N2million everything was fine again.

I talked to her about it and suggested that we something I now refer to as Temporal Recalibration™.

Don't let the big words fool you - it's just my fancy term for a simple idea.

Getting your past, present, and future to work together like a well-oiled machine.

Here's how it works:

1. Dream Big: Sarah imagined her ideal future - a practice that brought in $10,000+ a month.

This was a huge deal for her and I remember her practically shaking as she detailed all that she would be doing.

2. Reframe the Past: The Source of her fears was her father. He died when she was young and impressionable and grieving mom said it was two million that killed him even after her warnings.

I wouldn't go into the details but her young mind locked that in as a warning and did everything to keep her safe from dying because of N2million like her father.

But that happens only when we live from the idea that it's the past that shapes the future.

The truth is: It's the future that shapes the past.

Rather than filter what happens for us or what's possible for us based on our past experiences -

What we should be doing is viewing the past through the lens of our future selves and deciding move forward with the most empowering versions of our history.

And I say that deliberately because you see....

It's not the facts of our past that trip us up.

It's the meaning that we give to it.

And thank fully meanings call always be rewritten.

The most powerful way to do that is within the context of a powerful future self.

3. Align the Present: Sarah started taking small steps each day towards her goal, like reaching out to potential clients.

The result?

Six months later, Sarah relaunched her practice.

Today 4 years later she does on average N15million a month.

Even though she's no longer a client, we still talk and every now and then we share a private joke about not letting N2million kill us.

Want to try Temporal Recalibration™ yourself?

Here are some tips:

Spend 10 minutes each day visualizing your ideal future.

Make it as detailed as possible.

And notice the resistance that comes up as you do so.

They are hints to what you need to resolve in order to be free to move forward.

Write down a past "failure." that relates directly to what you've detailed about your ideal future

Now, list three things you learned from it.

As a result of what you learned:

  1. What will you stop doing?
  2. What would you start doing?
  3. What would you do more of?
  4. What would you do less of?

Choose one small action you can take today that moves you towards your big dream.

Remember, your past doesn't define your future - it prepares you for it.

So why not start recalibrating your timeline today?

Need help or have questions?

Feel free to ask. Simply hit reply.

Tomorrow I'll give you an update on our progress so far with the Tribemasters brand of personal and market place leadership resources.

Hopefully it'll give you a behind the scenes look at what's been happening and hopefully provide you with some distinctions for building your practice.

And by the way - our Tribemaster 5 week bootcamp as been shifted to next week. I'll send you an update late today.

Till tomorrow

Get out of your own way.


PS: I went live in our group #WeAreTribemasters and did a training on Becoming Selectively Famous. The replay will be up for the next few days before I take it down and clean it up for selling.

If you haven't joined the group, feel free to click on the hashtag to join us but remember to agree to the rules or your membership will be declined.
