I know what you did last two weeks

Jan 28, 2024 8:00 am

Hey there!

So it's time for my two week report and plans for my next sprint (two weeks).

As always...

I'll be using the Results Engineā„¢ as my template for doing this report.

If you don't know what that's about, check out The Daily Mentor issue titled: Keep the main thing the main thing.

So this is the first of probably 22 reports you'll get from me this year.

My goal is to demonstrate in real time how focused intention and human BS can work together to creat amazing results...

Said another way...

These reports are my true accounts of how to succeed and get stuff done in spite of myself...

And I'll be looking at verifiable truth only.

Hopeful, I'll inspire you to be as intentional with your practice and life as well...

So here we go...

Step 1: What wins, breakthroughs, successes did you achieve in the past two weeks?

In the last two weeks:

  1. As of this morning, I've had 400+ people apply to join the Community Mastery Method Facebook group.
  2. I've created 4 new IP assets that together will add an addition $20000 to my bottom line this year.
  3. Got a major breakthrough on the focus and direction of my book. It's ridiculous how long this is taking me but I'm grateful for the process and progress.
  4. Got all pay what you want spots for a consultation with me booked for by some pretty awesome subscribers

Step 2: What have you learned?

In the last two weeks, the primary lesson for me has been how much my sense of self impacts pretty much everything that I do.

Identity defines possibility.

Everything about me today is as a result of my current identity....my current sense of self.

And life will always test you to prove to yourself whether or not you're just another bullshitter...

As I looked at the numbers for the people applying to join the Facebook group...

I'll be opening this evening with 100 qualified members not 1000... #sigh

And the fact is that I'd been having conversations, and even though I had takers...no one has paid yet for EBS (Just 4 spots are open this year)... #doublesigh

And that I still hadn't put pen to paper concerning my book...

(Don't get me wrong, I have 90,000 words written but it still doesn't feel right)...

As I checked all these things...#doubledeepsigh

I felt a tinge of regret...

Why did I open my big mouth in public?

But I had to remind myself that I am my standards NOT my failures.

My sense of self is directly linked to extremely high levels of personal integrity and ecology...

It's not linked to the consequences of my actions or inactions.

My values and beliefs are deliberately based on principles not preferences...

And that means...

It's possible to do everything right and still have everything go wrong.

It's possible to mess up big time and still have things go well.

So I had a choice...

I could either save face and lie to you and so lower my standards...


I can simply report the truth and let the cards fall where they will.

I chose the later.

A second lesson for me was this: Environments facilitate outcomes.

Sometimes, creating the right environment for something to show up in is far more powerful than chasing the thing itself.

Thinking of my activity level this past 14days...

I need stronger accountability systems...

I have one with you as a result of committing to doing my reports in public...

But I need a forcing function that will ensure I do what I need to do whether I like it or not.

Step 3: How will you put what you have learned to use in the next 14 days?

I'm going to experiment this week with creating an alternate identity that I can step into to drive better results in the coming week.

In my last report, I talked about starting an opportunity log to document opportunities that come to me...

That I can't particularly focus on if I don't want to be distracted...

Well one such opportunity is a class on creating alternative identities...

I'll enroll and let you in on my progress in my next report.


I'll set up co-working sessions and commit to focused work at very specific non negotiable times of the day...3 days a week.

6 sessions over the next two weeks.

It would mean redefining my entire 2024 calendar but I'll give it a shot and see how that goes.

Step 4: What are your top 3 intentions for the next 14days?

  1. Launch the CMM group this evening with 100 members and double that (be at 200 qualifies members) within 14 days. Wanna join? Click here
  2. Submit my manuscript for How Experts Build Empires: The ultimate guide building a wildly successful and highly profitable global practice. On Friday, February 2nd 2024. All members of the HEBE Facebook group get free copies in advance.
  3. Get one new client for the $5000 level of EBS

Step 5: Detail all the things that will stop you from achieving your intentions, map out solutions to them and then go to action immediately.

As always...

I'll do this privately mainly because it'll make this too long...

But I will share this...

One major thing that will stop me is not doing what I know I should do...the fundamentals.

And a major this that will stop that will be my health, so I will be prioritizing that over the next two weeks and pick a pace that is sustainable...

So that's it for this report...

Let me know your thoughts...


We'll be digging into the Rags to Riches story archetype and how to leverage it to build a tribe of true fans that willingly pay you $3k to $50k and more...

Till then...

Get out of your own way and play a bigger game than you've ever played before.


PS: The Creating The Perfect Offer masterclass is coming up in February...it's an opportunity for you to develop an irresistible product and offer that will add an extra $30,000 to $150,000 a year to your bottomline.

The investment as a subscriber to The Daily Mentor is just N50000 and limited to just 10 spots.

Not for everyone but for that one person looking to level up.

You'll get deets this coming week.
