Tribemasters: The story so fatr

Jul 13, 2024 7:55 am

The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #12

FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster

Hey there

So as promised - here's the update on Tribemasters.

If you remember our primary membership program is The International Society of Tribemasters (TheSociety) where you have to be at $10,000 a month with your practice to qualify to be a member.

The investment at the level is just $10,000 or $3000 upfront and $700 a month for 12 months.

It's where we implement Tribemaster Framework over 3 strategic growth phases.


The first of these phases being building a Tribemasters Practice.

Currently we have two members in the Society.

But that's primarily because my focus has been on getting members into the Tribemasters Academy - which is our foundations program.

The goal of the Academy is simple: Learn the foundamentals of the Tribemaster's Framework and use that to get to $10,000 a month.

Once you do that you will be offered an invitation into the Society.

There are two tiers in the Academy:

First is the Community Tier for an investment of $1500 (about N1.5m) for the year or N500,000 upfront and N100,000 a month for as long as you stay a member.

The community tier is group based and is action biased not content biased.

Meaning we learn more from doing than by consuming content.

The second tier offers private access to me at $5000 for the year (About N5m) or N1.5m upfront and N500,000 a month for as long as you stay a member.

Like I said this is where I have had my primary focus for the last 3 months.


Because this is how you create high quality members for the Society.

So far we have 10 members added over the past 3 months. 3 at the private level and 7 at the community level.

In between I run workshops to create new customers and clients.

Over the last three months, I've added 63 high quality customers to my database.

Recently we changed the name of the Daily Mentor to the Tribemasters Daily Mentor and made that our free daily publication for our tribe of customers.

We also have a secondary publication we're currently working on called the Tribemaster Confidential - a monthly paid subscription based publication focused on teaching in depth strategies from the Tribemaster Framework™.

The Tribemaster's Practice

Tribemaster Confidential

And the workshops.

Will form the core of offers designed to build our tribe of customers.

And just in case you're wondering what the tribe of customers I keep yammering about is...

In the Tribemaster Framework we think of our entire market in terms of three levels:

  1. A circle of clients
  2. A tribe of customers
  3. An audience of seekers

This is were we put our full attention.

We want to connect as deeply as possible with people at these levels and work at expanding these three audience levels strategically.


Recently we launched a facebook group to take care of our audience of seekers but to also act as connecting ground for all subscribers to the Tribemasters Daily Mentor.

Currently have 188 signed up.

Could have been more but I turn away more than I let in.

Like you'll hear me say over and over again - quality over quantity.

And that is strictly what I have in my head to build.

Note that in all this we still don't have a website yet or any of the regular bells and whistles that people say you must have to launch.

All I've been working with so far is a brochure created in Canva.

A very clear pitch.

And a SolutionFrame + an ability to hold a conversation.

Keep that in mind when someone tries to over complicate things for you.

Tomorrow I open up spots for access to a brand new training workshop focused on breaking down how to go from:

Your first $10000 to..

$10,000 a month

$10,000 a week

$10,000 a day

Building out a Tribemaster's Practice Model.

The workshop is actually for members of Tribemasters so they get to attend free.

The investment for everyone else is just N150,000 or $100

If you'd like to join us for a month to experience what life is like within Tribemaster's Academy...

Look out for your invite tomorrow.

Till tomorrow

Get out of your own way.


PS: If you're signed up for the Way of the Tribemaster that was supposed to start today, please check for an update from zoom. The event has been shifted to next week.
