how about we all stop losing money?
Sep 03, 2024 7:56 am
The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #59
FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster
“Your offers are intelligent to the extent that they help others get what they want” — CTM
Hey there!
It's no news that we all want to make money.
Nothing wrong with that.
Making money is pretty awesome.
There's a better game we all should be playing.
It's the game I encourage everyone at The International Society of Tribemasters to be playing.
What's this game?
It's the game of NOT LOSING MONEY.
Think about it...
What's the point of making a lot of money if you're making a career out of losing it?
As Tribemasters there are three strategies we focus on for not losing money:
- Recapture
- Allocation
- Delivery
I'll focus on just delivery for today.
Delivery is all about how we serve and the offers that we make.
There are two mindsets that govern how we serve and make offers.
First is the fix mindset which typically comes from the idea that you only solve one problem really well.
And you and I know that's not completely true.
Because you don't solve one problem really well.
You solve many problems really well.
Yes I know you solve the main problem you're known for.
But you also solve problems for your clients by becoming a leader when they need it.
Some days you're a therapist.
Other days you're a troubleshooting engineer.
You may not advertise these but that doesn't make them any less valuable.
You're fluid in the way that you solve many problems.
And if you're not - you typically don't know what you're doing.
Question: Why have offers that limit your capacity to serve?
Picture a set of containers. These symbolize your prospects.
An offer made from a fixed mindset will fit one of them perfectly.
But for the others it will just not be right.
Yet that's what fixed mindset offers do:
They box you in.
They make you choose between people you can help and people you can't help.
They force you to limit what's possible for you in your relationship with your clients, customers and seekers.
The second kind of mindset is a growth mindset.
Offers created from a growth mindset give you the benefit of being fluid and flexible in the way you serve, what you offer and how you offer it.
The growth mindset offer assume that clients come in all shapes and sizes - different wants and needs...
Some want all your solutions.
Some want a small tweak.
Some want a liter and some just a shot.
It's allows you to give them your clients and customers what they need and leave away what they don't.
This is why I have clients who are more successful than I am.
It's why I have Billionaires, Ambassadors, Presidents, Governors and a member of the Royal Family in my list of clients...
If I was fixed in my mind concerning how I serve and who I serve...
I literally wouldn't have them.
They might not need me to help them build a practice..
But they could use some help in..
Creating personal breakthroughs and achieving seemingly impossible goals...
Some might just need a support structure for taking the quality of their relationships and resources to that critical next level...
Others yet might just need some help with their thinking.
None of this would be possible if in my head I thought that my niche is Experts.
That's why as Tribemasters...
We focus on our SolutionFrames - our unique perspective for solving problems
We focus on our Distinct Solution Systems (DSS) - the values based philosophy that sits behind the why and how of all we do in our practice.
As a result..
You can help different clients.
At different levels.
Who want different stuff.
It's easier to ethically get someone who is already spending money on you (no matter how small) to spend more.
Than it is to get some stranger to make that first investment in themselves through you.
Without this in place...
You lose a lot more money than you make.
The irony is that you wouldn't even know - till you've lost a lot.
If you don't have a SolutionFrame, it's very likely that's happening to you right now.
And if you have a SolutionFrame - it's also pretty likely that if you're not in Tribemasters...
You are currently not maximizing it. AKA you're leaving money on the table.
Let me help.
Hit reply and lets talk about not leaving anymore money on the table.
Till tomorrow...
Get out of your own way.
PS: I'll be onboarding those of us interested in joining us to engineer a quantum leap in the next 100 days on Friday so be on the look out for registration details on Friday. I have limited capacity so It's first come first served.
PPS: The formal public launch of The International Society of Tribemasters is on the 29th of September 2024. After the launch - the minimum investment for joining us will go from $1500 to $3000. If you'd like to lock in you spot with the current investment rates - now is the time to act.
Hit reply and lets talk.