[TDM] I'm not supposed to share this..
Apr 05, 2022 7:01 am
Hey there
Here's the slightly crazy back story...
When my grandmother...
Who I fondly called Shine Shine Granny...
Passed on...
I was devastated.
But her death was also the catalyst for getting me to play a much bigger game than I was already used to playing...
I wouldn't get into that now...
Probably tell you all about it in the days to come..
When I made the decision to launch HPEN...
I knew I wasn't interested in launching just a facebook group...
I wanted to launch a mind virus...
Something that would infect the minds of people and like a virus spread from person to person...
So like everything else that I want to launch...
I became a student again...
I started studying how exactly mind viruses were created...
How mass movements...
Evangelist organizations...
And charismatic leaders capture the hearts and minds of millions and move them to action.
We all have what I refer to as Distinct Advantages...
Unique abilities that literarily give us an unfair advantage in life...
One of my unique abilities...
Is the ability to see patterns and recognize connections that are not obvious to everyone else.
That came in pretty handy as I began to dig in to my research...
I started to make connections...
See patterns that repeated themselves over and over again.
One thing that I found was common in the social and political mind viruses that have been launched within the past 38 years was this...
Every one of them referred to a book by a political science professor called Gene Sharp..
Gene had studied political revolutions and movement for over 30 years and documented all his findings in a book titled: From Dictatorship To Democracy
Once I found that out...
I simply had to get the book..
It was hard to find...
But eventually I got me a copy...and read it.
I was stunned by what I read in the book.
Combined with the rest of my research...
I started to build out a framework for deliberately creating communities that were literarily mind viruses.
I called that framework Community Mastery.
And together with my very good friend DJ Sobanjo founder of Profit From Coaching...
We've continued to spread these ideas.
Why's any of this important to you?
Because the moment you understand what I'll be sharing with you this month...
You can use it to successfully launch your practice...
Even highly competitive industries like I have...
You'll be able to raise an army of people who know like and trust you enough to work for your benefit...
Investing their time and resources for promote your cause.
You'll have the ability to reach a wider market...
Make more money...
Impact more people at a fraction of the cost.
You'll be able to build a highly motivated community of people working together to accomplish amazing things...
Most important...
You’ll get to build something that empowers mass numbers of people to join together...
Make something extraordinary happen and create their own new realities.
You'll be able to build not just a profitable practice...
But an auto-expanding engine of growth, impact and influence.
In the days to follow...
I'll be sharing with you all the things you need to consider when building community...
You'll learn to install the mindset neccesary for success in community mastery...
You wouldn't need to be able to implement all of the elements I'll be sharing with you in order to see results or experience leaps in progress in your practice...
But the more you implement and integrate...
The more powerful the potential compounding effect...
And the more likely you’ll be to experience the potential for profound
I have something special for my fellow GOT fans...
I'll share with you a powerful key mindset component that has helped make Game of Thrones the mind virus that it has become.
You're gonna love it.
Till tomorrow...
Get out of your own way.