Welcome To The Highly Paid Experts Network
Jan 12, 2022 7:01 am
Hey there
Thank you so much for joining us on the Highly Paid Experts Network.
I'm so excited for you.
I can literally guarantee that this will be one of the best decisions and investments that you'll make this year.
In this email, I'm just simply going to share with you how to get set up so that you can get the very best out of your experience of HPEN.
Please click on the link below to set up your profile and join the conversation in our spanking new HPEN home.
Once there...
Click on the option to register, fill in your deets and you're in.
Once in...
Please take out some time to fill out your profile.
You never know who will be checking you out.
There are levels of access inside our HPEN home...
That means what you see is determined by your level of membership.
Everything is still a bit bare bones at the moment as we're still setting up house...
The great thing is you get to see as everything evolves from scratch...
Just in case you get inspired to set up something like this for yourself.
That said...
As more resources are added to the various membership levels...
You'll get an announcement inside of HPEN and via email.
Starting tomorrow...
You are subscribed to the daily mentor (TDM)...
This is pretty much my daily email based mentoring program designed to speed up the process of building a commercially successful practice...
Now here's the thing about speed..
It's about making the right strategic decisions and making fewer mistakes.
And that's exactly what TDM helps you achieve.
And no...
TDM will not be like the emails that you're currently used to getting from me...
It'll be much much better.
You'll get it via email but we'll have the opportunity to share our thoughts about inside the community section of HPEN.
Starting February...
You're going to get access to my weekly hypnotherapy clinic as part of your membership..
If there's one thing that I know holds us back more than anything at all...
It's the beliefs that we currently have about what's possible and what's not possible...
The problem is more often than not...
We don't even know we have these limiting beliefs or what to do to get rid of them...
As a certified neo-ericsonian hynotherapist, I work with my private clients to help them get ride of these beliefs...
I'm offering you the opportunity to get the same level of service free as a part of your membership...
Feel free to take advantage of it.
You get a 30% discount on all HPEN offers....
If you choose to become one of our ambassadors...
You get a 50% commission on everone who becomes a member of HPEN through you...
Irrespective of what level they're signing up for.
Those commissions can add up pretty quickly.
Looking forward to sending you your very first issue of TDM tomorrow
You're going to love it.
For now...
Please be sure to set up your account.
Till tomorrow.