Biko borrow me confidence

Jun 08, 2024 7:55 am

Hey there!

Here's something I've come to know for a fact after 30+ years doing this...

Some people don't want to borrow your brain, but your confidence.

They have all the missing pieces except for confidence.

All you need to do is let them borrow it so they can find a way.

But how exactly do you let people borrow your "confidence" ?

The secret is the environment that you put them in.

And like I've been sharing so far...

The fundamental structure of an environment that breeds confidence and clarity and high performance is Trust.

In the Tribemaster Framework...

I have something I call Ethical Trust Engineering™.


Ethical Trust Engineering™ is the deliberate and ecological process of creating, earning and keeping the trust of your market.

It's a new approach to how you think about your attitude, behavior and content distribution in relation to your peeps....

I'm talking to members of your audience, your tribe of customers and your circle of clients.

I'll be breaking this down further today in our Influence Architecture Masterclass later today...

But here's a brief overview of it...

Using the model above as a guide..

Everything starts with a Seeker.

There are many kinds of people you could target in your market but we want to start with Seekers.

Seekers are fundamentally people who know they have a problem and are actively searching for a solution to the problem.

Why Seekers?

Because Seekers become True Fans - believers in the future you offer, who happily invest in themselves through you and refer you to others.

Seekers are actively looking for solutions that they know they have.

Your job is to provide them with that solution in a format that helps them take that first critical step to become a member of your tribe.

Remember: Your job is to create and keep customers.

(Read my book The Tribemasters Practice for more on this)

To create a customer you need a Tribe Builder.

A TribeBuilder™ is a packaged solution that Seekers pay for that gives them an insight into your framework and helps them gain some clarity, confidence and capability concerning what they want for themselves.

My favorite TribeBuilders™ are Books, minicourses and mini Workshops.

And investment in a TribeBuilder qualifies them to be a part of your tribe which is pretty much a Trust Amplifier Platform™ for customers.

Once they are inside the platform...

You make consistent Bridge Offers™ to them

A Bridge Offer™ is an offer that helps your people solve a problems and move closer to investing in your main offer.

A Bridge Offer sets up opportunities for Value Based Conversations™ Which in turn open up opportunities for access to your main offer - a perfect stack of solutions.

Inside this process are multiple opportunities for your Seekers to jump.

For instance...

A seeker can go from a Tribe Builder™ to a Value Based Conversation™ and become a member of your circle of clients™ without even being active in your Trust Amplifier Platform.

Now here's the thing...

All I've talked about so far is built on a foundation of a set of behaviors:

  1. Doing what you say you will do
  2. Finishing what you start
  3. Saying please and think you
  4. Showing up on time.

And these behaviors are facilitated by an overall attitude of gratitude.

That's what Ethical Trust Engineering is about.

Do this and your people will be inspired to borrow your confidence simply because of the environment you've created.

They will attempt great things not because they think they can but simply because YOU believe that they can.

On the 18th of June, 2024...

I'll be opening up my live Training on:

How to build a global coaching and consulting practice that thrives in any economy

The cart will officially open on Monday 10th, June 2024 and will close on Friday 15th June, 2024.

The investment is N20,000.

If you already have my book - do nothing.

You'll get complimentary access.

If you don't already have my book, once your payment is made you have access to the book plus an ever expanding library of resources to jumpstart your practice.

That's it for today.

Till tomorrow.

Get out of your own way.

