[BAW] About today
Nov 03, 2020 12:51 pm
Hey there
Here's one very basic thing I know about people...
Just like me...
We're all still gossiping, arguing and struggling over the same things.
Our society and culture as a whole might change, but we all have remained fundamentally the same - driven by the same basic emotions.
Why am I sharing this?
Because in business - the key to predictable results is focusing on the things that don't change.
Unfortunately that's not what most of us do.
Most of people are hung up on following the latest change in tactic or or online sales hack.
What we should be focused on in order to succeed online should be the fundamentals..
And the most basic of these fundamentals is human behaviour.
Master that...and you'll do better than most people.
Today is all about understand human psychology as far as creating a solution for your market and developing your IP is concerned.
But in order to get the best from today..
You ought to have followed through on yesterdays assignments.
Without it...
You'll pretty much not be able to effectively follow through - so get it done.
If you haven't yet registered for the zoom sessions..
You'll get a link for accessing the class immediately after...it's the same link for each and every zoom session.
For those of us who unsubscribed from the BAW list for one reason or the other..
Here's the link to yesterday's replay: REPLAY FOR DAY ONE
Please understand that being on the list gives you access to benefits that you wouldn't get any other way...
That said...
Please note that if at anytime you unsubscribe from the list again especially after this week...
It will cost you another N40,000 to get back on the list.
So before you hit that unsubscribe button be sure that you actually want to do it.
Why would it cost you an additional N40,000 to get back on the list if you leave?
Well...that's because N40,000 is currently the annual subscription to the basic level of HPEN 2.0.
Attending BAW gave you a complementary year of access.
Unsubscribing means you forfeit that access.
So I hope that's clear.
Now that's out of the way - See. You. At 10am.
PS: So yesterday I thought I'd have a list of names for those of us who messaged me with a score of 5 and below...
Unfortunately I didn't get that from zoom so I could only reach out to those I remembered.
If i didn't reach out to you yesterday and you sent me a score of 5 or less, please reach out to me so we could connect.