Stop doing God's work

Aug 18, 2024 7:58 am

The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #48

FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster

When you expect yourself to do more in a day than is humanly possible, you expect more of yourself than even God expects of you


Hey there,

As of today there are only 136 days left till the end of the day.

What are you going to be doing with it?

Here's what I know for a fact:

Right now you're in either of two camps if you continue doing what you've been doing:

Camp 1: Keep doing what you're doing and end the year on a high note. Yay! You've achieved all your goals.

Camp 2: Keep doing what you're doing and as a result end the year the same way you've been ending the year over the past few years: frustrated with the bulk of your goals unmet.

Here's another thing that I know:

First - no matter how good you are doing now, you can certainly do better.

Second - no matter how bad things are right now, it can be worse.

Think about that.

Over the last two years, I've helped a number of pretty amazing individuals achieve goals that they initially thought were impossible.

It happened mostly because they took the time and made the effort to lay the right kind of foundation.

When you skip the hard work...

And then get upset by your poor performance...

You are literally expecting yourself to do a miracle.

Here's the thing:

Miracles are God's domain - not yours.

What's your domain?

A.  Know what you want. This is more difficult than it first seems.

Most people need some help clarifying what they really, really want. We’re too often disoriented by what others say we should want, by fears and worries about what’s actually possible and what's not.

B.  Design a business model that enables you to have what you want.

A business model is essentially a flow of activities, each designed to achieve a specific result. When those results are achieved, you have what you want.

The problem most people run into here is overcomplicating what really is simple. 

And trying to do too much too quickly. 

As a result you get so caught up in the day-to-day pressures that you forget what you really want. (See A above.)

C.  Make your top priorities clear. 

The problem here is that most people flirt from one activity to another because their priorities are not clear. 

And the reason they’re not clear is because A above isn’t clear and B is too complicated. 

So they flirt.

Worse yet they do that without any iota of suave!!! #smh

D.  If you manage to get to D, now you need to beat Life’s obsessive efforts to derail you.

That’s Life’s job: to gently and persistently nudge you off track. 

This usually boils down to people and events that happen to you.


People happen to you!

And events happen to you.

But it’s really about how you “explain” those people and events to yourself. 

The “story” you tell yourself. 

You need a mentor or coach who has mastered the ways of thinking and being that you want to master.

E.  Finally, build systems as you go.

Otherwise you’re always reinventing the wheel. 

And that's like trying to build a house on water

Here's another thing:

Nobody will do A and C for you.

Quality help will make it faster but fundamentally it's 100% your responsibility.

You can do B, D and E by your lonesome.


You collapse time by having a world class cornerman on your side.

So if you're one of those people caught up in trying to God's work: AKA work a miracle you have not qualified for...

My recommendation: Let God do His thing.

And since you obviously don't know how to do your thing: Get some help.

One of the best ways to do that is through my annual Start The Year Right Program.

It's the perfect way to get hyper focused on ending the year 2024 strong and starting 2025 smart.

I'll share details with you from tomorrow.

Till then...

Get out of your own way


PS: On the 29th of September, I'll be formally launching The International Society of Tribemasters. If you're interested in taking your influence to the next level - building a wildly successful and highly profitable practice that brings in $50k to $100k a month working 3 days a week with 2 support staff, let's talk.
