[TDM] When was the last time you asked for money
Jan 25, 2022 7:01 am
Hey there
If you're already in the money game...
You've got this down...
But if you're not...
Let me ask you this..
When was the last time you asked for someone to give you money for no reason at all...
No lies...
No gimmicks...
No schemes...
Hey there...could you please give me some money?
Now sit with that for a moment and just observe the feeling that you're feeling concerning that idea...
I'll bet there's some resistance there...
If there is...
The big question is: WHY?
What stories do you have around money that keeps you from simply asking for money?
For some of us...
It's making making asking for money the same as begging for money....
We thinking of asking for money as somehow admitting that we are not self sufficient....
The truth though is: It's a story in your head.
A few years ago...
A billionaire client of mine took us all (Diamond members) to lunch on the island...
When we were done...
And the bill was brought...
He asked if the restaurant could write it off so we could have it for free...
Long story short...
We met with the manage...
Had some extra free drinks...
And though he didn't write off the bill...
He did reduce it by 25%....
Just because we asked.
What are you missing out on simply because you don't ask?
What could you bring into your life today...
If you simply got out of your own way and asked?