Funnel Hacking is just bad luck loading

Jun 10, 2020 12:00 pm

Hey there

I'll try to make this shorter than yesterday's


Or not...



I have had a lot of people join my programs

simply because they wanted to see what

I was doing...

And copy it...

That in essence is what this thing called

funnel hacking is all about...

And in a way..

It makes sense...

  • A successful business person releases a new product…
  • You sign up and go through their marketing process…
  • You read each email and copy them into a spreadsheet…
  • Finally, you replicate these emails / messages for your own product.

It kinda makes sense to copy "success"..



I've seen so many people crash and burn

because of funnel hacking...

Here's why...

Funnel hacking involves looking at someone

else and comparing yourself to them.

This is a huge problem.

The reason is...

You only see what the other person wants

you to see.

You don’t know the whole story...

And although you may think it’s making money...

You don’t know for sure.

You don’t have all the data...

So it’s impossible to replicate it and achieve the

same results.

Yet this is what I see experts do all the time.

They throw themselves into funnel hacking..

Expecting to hit a home run even though they

don’t know the full story.

I shared much earlier how COVID 19 is forcing

me to rethink my business model as far as

PowerIdeas is concerned...

For those of us who don't know...

PowerIdeas is my monthly personal and

business development audio series...

It's delivered 100% off line via CDs...


I know...

Real old school gangsta level stuff...

But every month before COVID 19...

I sent out just over 5000 CDs...

At N6000 ($16) a year for subscriptions...

It wasn't too shabby...

During the lock down...

I couldn't do swat...

I was literally bleeding cash each day...

Now I know a number of people who saw


And tried to copy it...

Thinking the money was in the subscriptions...

But they didn't understand my end game...

Powerideas brought me a base of 5000

monthly customers....

Who on average ended up spending...

N150,000 ($400) in upgrades and addons...

I could afford to loose N6000 ($16) in my marketing...

Because each subscriber was worth..

N150k ($400) a year to me...

But all they saw was the CDs...

And that's what they copied...

They never understood that it was about...

Creating and keeping a customer...

And then converting the customer to a client...

That has always been the game...

Whether I was selling meat...

Or consulting...

Funnel hacking does not work because you

don’t have all the details.

Those who hacked my marketing process...

Lost money because they didn’t have the next step.

But it was the next step that I built all my success


With everything up to that point being a means to an end.

This is why funnel hacking doesn’t work...

And although you should take inspiration from other

people's marketing process...

NEVER copy-and-paste without access to all the data.

Instead it’s important you:

  1. Understand your business model…
  2. Understand your profitability model…
  3. Understand your lifestyle model…

Tomorrow I'll break this down some more...

Till then...

Play a bigger game...




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