Wanna make more money?

Aug 05, 2024 7:55 am

The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #35

FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster

“The money you're making can never be more than the money you're asking for.” 


Hey there people!

I'm back

A big thank you to Edward for holding forth and I apologize for not letting you know in advance.

Life kinda took me by surprise there.


I'm grateful to still be hear and to have the love and support of you amazing people.

Yesterday I shared the following post on my Facebook profile and it seems to have struck a cord with a lot of people.

So I figured I'd share it here with you.


The Power of 'Asking': How Coaches and Consultants Can Maximize Their Earnings

A few days back I posted the following:

"The money you're making can never be more than the money you're asking for." 

It generated some interesting feedback but only one person had enough curiosity to ask what I actually meant rather than just assume I meant: 

"You'll get paid what you ask for"

Here's the thing though...

I didn't say "the money you're paid can never be more than the money you're asking for"

I said "The money you're making can never be more than the money you're asking for." 

So let's dig into this...

The word "ask" is generally used within the context of a demand, a question or a request.

More often than not we typically forget that it's also used within the context of behaviours and attitudes that provoke very specific responses from people or an environment.

Like when someone is bothering you and you say "you're asking for trouble"

They didn't specifically ask you verbally to please give them some trouble - their behavior provoked you to warn them in advance that the response they will get from acting that way towards you is: Trouble.

So "ask" is pretty much a word that covers:

1. What you say - your words

2. How you behave or what you do - your actions

3. How you think - your mindset.

It's about how you present yourself to the world.

If you understand this then you will start to understand why some people get advantages that you will never access until you change how you think, talk and act.

Here's a key distinction to keep in mind about asking: Never Ask For More Than You Can Give.

You MUST always work towards creating the impression that connecting with you, accessing you or simply being in your presence is a bigger deal than anything anyone wants to give you.

The balance of value in any exchange must always be in your favor. Give more than you receive.

This applies to any human interaction you are in - whether personal or professional.

Now when it comes to build a wildly successful and highly profitable global practice as a coach, consultant or trainer...

Here are a few things to consider:

If you're building right, it will be literally impossible to charge what you're worth. So feel free to ask for what you want to be paid and be prepared to clearly show why paying you that is in their best interest.

The easiest way to do that is to simply show how paying you what you want provides a 10x return on investment.

Being a top tier professional isn't about confidence...

It's about commitment, courage and capability.

The more of this you showcase in your work, the more conviction you will develop about your value - this deep conviction will be read as confidence by your market and inspire them to believe in you and your work.

This inspired belief will do more to help you engineer miracles for your clients beyond what you are actually capable of.

Leadership is the new marketing.

The influence and impact you make in a market is a function of just how much of that markets head space you "control".

The smart way to gain head space isn't to go after the general market available to you.

It's generate customers and clients and then go deep in your relationship and connection with them.

Done well - you will own the relationship with your clients and customers and by extension the relationship with those your customers and clients influence the most.

But what is leadership without organized ideas for people to buy into?

That's why organizing your knowledge and wisdom into valuable IP that is uniquely yours is important.

It forms the philosophy that your market place leadership stands on...

And once you get people to buy into your way of thinking - you have pretty much created an ethical tollgate positioning.

Your market will see you as a necessary part of their future - a critical part of making their dreams come true.

Do this well and you'll never have to worry about selling again - your people will buy by default.

Commit to constant and never ending improvement and growth will take care of itself.

Master your craft and message. Get so good you literally can't be ignored.

Master your market. Stay relevant to the right people at the right time for the right reasons.

Master your money. Get really good at engineering cash flow that finds your dreams and future.

Master your method. Understand what works for you and what doesn't. 

Master your mind. Free yourself from the lies that hold you back from what's truly possible for you.

All this together is you asking for more.

It's you positioning yourself for what's really truly possible for you in life and at the market place.


In the expert space - you don't sell information.

People don't need you for that.

You sell a future and a relationship.

By learning to "ask" well in all it's forms, you open up opportunities and levels of compensation you can't even start to imagine just yet.

Start asking for more today...

Not just with your words, but with attitude and actions.

Your future success depends on it.


Till tomorrow

Get out of your own way.

