The Ultimate Power Move
May 19, 2021 3:28 pm
Hey there
Back in Calabar...
There was a preacher who was famous for always talking about an insidious demon he referred to as: "The Sprit Of Nearly"
Basically he was referring to that situation where just when you're about to get your breakthrough...
Just when you're "nearly at your breakthrough"...
Something happens to mess things up.
That message resonated with quite a lot of people and he raised a ton of money asking people to "sow financial seeds that will deliver them from the spirit of nearly"...
Unfortunately I can't use that...
It's well worn.
I do have an equally important message...
You see...
Every failure you'll ever experience can be summed up in two words: Too Late.
Too late in understanding the value time.
(Speaking of which, today's mindset challenge in the 97 Day Challenge is about setting your hourly rate. Click here to check it out.)
Too late in taking full responsibility for your life.
Too late in believing in yourself.
Too late in preparedness.
Too late in adapting to change.
Too late in setting priorities.
Too late in exercising good judgement.
Too late in exhibiting self-control.
Too late in committing to excellence.
Too late in taking a risk.
Too late in honoring promises.
Too late in building a network.
Too late in building your tribe.
Too late in enforcing deadlines.
Too late in demonstrating focus, discipline, consistency, execution and follow through.
Here's something we all need to remember:
What actions do you need to take...
What changes do you need to make before it's too late?
Money loves speed...
Life rewards action...
It does not reward procrastination, hesitation, or indecision.
Remember that as you go through today...
Remember also that it's not too late to put yourself in an environment that ensures you're not oppressed by the Spirit of "Too Late"...
Evil Laugh: Hehehehehehe...
If you haven't already...
Join us in the 97 day challenge...
If you're skeptical about giving me some money...
There's a free level you can join...
You owe it to yourself to kill off your excuses and start living reaching for your dreams.
That said...
You'll be far better off if you do gimme some money...
Just saying...
Hit reply and let's see if I can help with payment plans.