The 4 part marketing system for building your expert empire online

Aug 12, 2020 12:01 pm

Hey there

Good morning...

I seriously need to get back to bed...

So Imma make this quick...

In prep for tomorrow...

Here's a quick overview of the core ideas that sit behind TribeCraft™.

For the uninitiated, TribeCraft™ is the sales and marketing system within the Community Mastery Method.

It also happens to be at the core of what I teach at the Brand Acceleration Workshop.


Here's the 4 part marketing system you need based on TribeCraft™

Step 1: Build an audience of orange dots

You don't want to go out and target the entire market...

What you want is to be the big fish in a very small pond.

In order to do that...

You need what in TribeCraft™ we refer to as orange dots (a clearly defined market of people you can be relevant to).

And to be honest you don't need a lot of orange dots.

So if you're making less than N40,000,0000 ($100k) a year don't worry about having 100k followers.

To be honest 15000 orange dots across your social media platforms is plenty enough.

How do you attract these orange dots to populate your audience with?

You use what we call Orange Dotfilters™ (ODs).

Don't know what that is?

Show up live tomorrow to find out.

Step 2: Convert your orange dots to customers

You do this by offering bridge programs™.

Bridge Programs are essentially introductory programs that solve specific problems based on your SolutionFrame™: the intellectual property that sits behind your offers.

Please remember that this is very different from your Distinct Solution System: the Intellectual property that sits behind your entire business as a whole.

Step 3: Engage with and build trust with your customers with Nanopublishing and Ethical Cult Building

Nanopublishing is one of the three customer nurturing strategies built into TribeCraft™.

Ethical Cult Building is another.

Ethical Cult Building is a phrase developed by my good friend Jesse Elder

Essentially you're making specific offers to your tribe of customers each and every month, and systematically building your bond and connection with them.

Step 4: Convert customers into clients

There are a ton of ways for doing this but the central idea is Value Based Conversation.

This 4 part system I just shared with you is pretty much all the marketing knowhow you need...

Tomorrow at the training...

I'll share what you need to know about developing your persona in the market place...

How to develop very specific and high lucrative programs \..

And ultimately how to use this 4 part system to market yourself, your message and your products.

Hope I see you there.

Not yet enrolled for the October Brand Acceleration Workshop?


To lock in your seat.

Till tomorrow.


