If You Don't Have This In Place....Sorry O

Jun 30, 2020 11:56 am

Hey there

So after my not too subtle threats yesterday...

I had a sudden rush of romantic email love...

From folks I didn't even know were on this list...

Begging my forgiveness for their inattention and abandonment...

And from ardent Victor Bassey stalkers who pretty much threatened my family if I dared to take them of the list...




My life is pretty interesting.


It's not you...

It's me...

I have abandonment issues that came as a result of not being breast fed as a child...

So I have trouble with one sided relationships #lyingthroughmyteeth

So yeah...

It's not me..

It's you #somuchmoresatisfying


Yesterday I promised to let us in on that most important thing to have in place to really profit from your speaking online...

And to be clear I'm talking about you being able to convert your online speaking into high ticket sales...

And yes...

You can actually make a lot of money showing up in different online events and getting paid for that...


I think speaking online to generate business has even more potential.

So what's that one magic thing you gotta have in play?

It's a plan for having enrollment conversations booked as a result of your speaking..

The idea here is to work towards having 4 conversations a day with qualified prospects...

There's a very specific strategy for making that happen...


I'm not sharing that here...

You're going to have to show up live to know what that is...

But for now...

Let's look at the maths...

4 qualified conversations a day...

5 times a week...


20 conversations a week


80 conversations a month...

Even if you had a 10% conversion rate...

That's potentially...

$16000 @ $2000 (N800,000) a product

$40,000 @ $5000 (N2million) a product

$80,000 @ $10,000 (N4million) a product

A month!!!

And if you're wondering where these figures are coming from...



Shame on you for not attending the free 3 day TribeCraft™ crash course I did on HPEN #youseeyalife


These are the 3 price points I recommend you build price your core programs at in order to give you best chance at getting to N40million ($100,000) a year.

And if you've noticed...

I'm pretty hung on helping you get there...

The key to this is what's at the core of TribeCraft™

Build your audience

Build a tribe of customers from your audience

Convert your customers to clients...

That's the game you play..

All day online...

As far as the community mastery method is concerned.


Yesterday I posted an audio about the three most important sources for creating meaningful presentations online...

It's to help you prep for our training on thursday...

Click here to listen to it

Click Here To Listen To The Audio

And just in case you're new to this list..

And you're wondering what this community mastery method™ thing is all about..

Here's a quick video training that gets you up to speed about it

Click Here To Learn About The Community Mastery Method™

But I digress...

Let's get back to the subject...

Before thinking about building your online speaking empire..

You've got to give a lot of thought to accommodating enrollment conversations in your calendar...

It's vitally important..

Here's something else...

The goal of your speaking online is to build a tribe of customers...

The enrolment conversations are just one of the many ways you can convert customers into clients.

It's a pretty simple shift in thinking once you understand that...

Speaking is nothing but an advertising media..

It's not a career...

It's not a business...

It's nothing but advertising media...

I'll share some more about this tommorrow ...

Till then...

Play a bigger game than you've ever played before.




Please remember that in order to access this training you will have to show up live for it.

There will be no replays.

