The Truth
May 24, 2020 12:40 pm
Hey there people!
I literally just woke up.
And panicked.
At 3am...
Something told me to write today's email
and schedule it...
I figured...
I'd get it done on time...
Now here we are...
Work in progress...
Sundays are usually days I invest in
Thinking through the results I produced
in the past week...
It's one of my hacks for gradually improving
my performance...
Just micro improvements daily and weekly...
And before you know it...
Just like magic...
I just keep getting better and better...
What about you?
What do you do to strategically improve?
If you don't have a strategy...
Borrow mine...
I won't tell.
This week...
Starting tomorrow...
I'll be starting a series on what it takes to
get attention and sell your knowledge online.
There's a lot of information out there that's
aimed at showing you how to market
and sell online...
But a lot of it is well meaning bad advice.
Over the next few days and starting this week..
I get you up to speed on the fundamentals of what works...
You see...
Once you understand that everything about marketing is about being seen as relevant by a very specific type of person...
Almost everything you touch will turn to gold...
Money follows attention...
Attention follows energy...
Energy follows direction...
Direction follows focus...
Focus is a function of choice...
The choice to be meaningful, relevant and engaging to a very specific market...
It's that simple.
Get relevant and everything else follows.
If you've got friends or colleagues that this
information would be useful to...
Please feel free to use the link at the bottom
of this email...
The link is unique to you and would help me
track your efforts so that I know exactly who
to say thank you to.
Yesterday ...
I sent out a cry for help...
Help in naming this newsletter...
Thank you so much much guys for the feedback...
According to the scores...
It looks like we'll be going with...
The Tribemaster's Digest...
So thank you guys.
I'll work that into our publishing...
Have a great day today...
Talk tomorrow...