More change in the future?
Aug 15, 2024 7:59 am
The Tribemaster's Daily Mentor | Volume 1: #45
FROM: The Desk of The Chief Tribemaster
“To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself”
— Søren Kierkegaard
Hey there!
So I have updates for us.
But first a bit of gossip.
I've got some visitors over at my end and it's a full house at the moment.
Some wise person left the gas on in my kitchen.
I go in to the kitchen to put the kettle on so I can make myself a mocha and boom - fire in my face.
Don't worry - I'm fine.
But it did remind me again of how fickle life truly is.
So be gracious today.
Be your very best self.
Love as hard as you can and live as well as you can.
There's no telling if it'll be your last day or not - don't take it for granted.
Now for the updates.
First is another name change.
I know. I know. I know.
Believe me I know and I do think it's for the best.
So here it is:
I'm changing the name of our framework "The Tribemaster Framework" to "The Way of The Tribemaster".
Starting today I will no longer refer to the Tribemaster Framework.
Any reference to it would be it will be through the name "The Way of The Tribemaster".
I think it's a far more appropriate and aligned with The International Society of Tribemasters (Tribemasters for short)
And far less of a mouthful.
Please let me know what you think about that shift.
Second is a change in structure.
Over the last 4 months since the in house launch of Tribemasters I've run run it on two levels - the academy for those not yet at $10k a month.
The Society for those above $10k.
It works from a profit point of view and I'm uber grateful for the progress so far.
However it doesn't leave opportunity for anyone else to get into my core ecosystem at a level that best serves them.
So I'm going back to the tier system of HPEN.
HPEN was run based on levels of access: Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Titanium levels.
But we also had a belt system that helped track progress on a revenue basis.
It worked.
So I'm going back to it.
Just to be clear: what I'm saying is I'm moving from a levels of income model to a levels of access model for being a part of Tribemasters.
I don't have all answers mapped yet but it'll be all done by the time our public launch date rolls over.
I'll be exploring a slightly different pricing strategy for the rest of the year and just test it.
It's a combination of an up front payment + a monthly recurring fee.
I'll test that and just see where it goes.
That's what's cooking leading up to our public launch.
Why am I sharing this?
Like I promised you have a front row sit to how all this is being strategically built out...
The challenges, the successes, failures...
The thinking behind it all...
It gives me an extra layer of accountability but also helps you build confidence in The Way of the Tribemaster as a framework for creating a different reality from the one you might currently be used to - especially if you live and work from a third world country.
But well beyond all that - it keep my humanity front and center.
I might be able to do some pretty amazing things and work some miracles due to the framework...
Ultimately though - just like you...
I'm. Only. Human.
That's it for today - let me know your thoughts.
Till tomorrow..
Get out of your own way