Instagram LogoThe post by @deidrariggs accompanying this graphic is a powerful wake up call for White people. Don’t hit the snooze button. Read this post. Posted @withregram • @deidrariggs This is why I am a JEDI coach as opposed to a DEI practitioner. None of it matters if justice is not pursued. And when I speak of justice in this context, I am referencing restorative justice over retributive justice. There is a time and a place for both, but — as I share often — as a JEDI Coach, my emphasis is on restoration over retribution. Every single culture and ethnicity in the US bears the scars of racism and is in need of restoration. But as long as there are wp afraid to repent, confess, and repair their own wounds, we will be at odds. It’s a weird relationship we have with one another. Don’t get me wrong: black and brown people do not need wp to be healed in order to be restored. In fact, I contend that black and brown people know — in our souls — our true value and worth. I watch this new generation of black and brown youth and I see their refusal to fall into the roles of comforters of wp. They know they deserve to be comforted and they are not waiting around for wp to *get it.* And so, dear white people, if you don’t quickly get your healing, you will soon be lost. You know this in your souls and that is why your resistance is so strong. (Always remember, I speak of whiteness as a mindset.) You fight for a world that is passing away and that will never be again. And all your fighting consumes your energy and leaves you with absolutely no idea of how you will survive in a world built by and for someone other than you. “Love that does not satisfy justice is no love at all.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” — Amos, a shepherd.