πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Chief Trenches Engagement Officer and what will happen with sales in 5 years?

Oct 27, 2021 6:02 pm

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Last week we've welcomed our first team member Ljubica Goranovic, who'll be Chief Trenches Engagement Officer.

Ljubica is in charge of planning all community events and blogs, so lots of things are coming up in November.

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Post Of The Week

Do you think that in 5 years' time will we still have sales-led organizations?

I just loved Annika's response to my question of whether in 5 years will we still have sales-led organizations.

My perspective was that buyers will become more and more informed in the buying process and that they won't require any sales assistance.

Annika's response was:

"Most of the SaaS startups that I've been working with over the years have been very light on the sales. I think this is mainly because of the different business cultures in Europe vs the US.

The US companies that I have worked with are usually looking into SEO and content strategies way later (usually after A-round) compared to the European startups (eager to start with it from day 1).

So, do I think there will be a time when buyers will no longer need any sales assistance? - Yes, I've seen so many successful startups scaling their businesses by optimizing their self-service processes to perfection.

BUT, I also know that startups leave a lot of money on the table if they're not focusing on enterprise clients at all and for them, a sales team is definitely needed."

What do you think?

Share your thoughts here.

By Ilija Cosic

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Andrei Zinkevich
