🕵🏻‍♂️ Awards, demand gen and ROI taxes

Nov 17, 2021 11:05 pm

Hi .

We are still looking for a community manager, so if you know anybody, please, connect with me.

Now let's dive into what's happened in Trenches.

What's happened in Trenches

Maylee Jacob started an interesting thread about role of awards in marketing. There are a ton of award programs out there now, but how many of them are really necessary? How do you determine what is worth your time and what isn't?

Here are my thoughts.

Emmy’s, Deloitte 500, Fast Company, TC 100 - I think this is a purely PR thing that matters to investors and shareholders at enterprise companies. Again, this is my subjective experience, but I’ve never heard that these awards somehow impacted the revenue. Nice add-on, but the company’s brand and case studies have much more impact.

What do you think?

Share your opinion here.

Upcoming events

This Thursday (18th Nov) at 5 pm CET - 11 AM EST - 8 AM PST, I’m going to host a new live event with Vladimir Blagojevic to chat about:

  • Key challenges and the root reasons why B2B companies are struggling to create an effective marketing strategy.
  • The ROI taxes almost every B2B company is paying nowadays.
  • The core elements of the 2022 B2B marketing strategy
  • The linear mindset, and how to get executive buy-in

Sign up here.

Questions from fellow Trenchers

Let's help each other. If you can contribute or answer any question below, just click the link and share your thoughts.

Post Of The Week

6 months. Same platform, different results:

1. $30K spent for 1300+ leads, 2 opportunities, 0 sales

2. An hour a day by 3 ppl, for $5 mil pipe and $2.1 mil sales

I'm talking about LinkedIn.

To be precise, MQL ads v.s. LinkedIn Allbound marketing.

LinkedIn Allbound turns your key people into trusted advisers in 5 steps:

1. Turn your LinkedIn profile into a landing page

2. Grow your network with 4 audiences

3. Warm up & nurture target accounts

4. Turn engagement & buying signals into conversations and opportunities

5. Never stop nurturing

The best part is that you DON'T need to

- Hang out on LinkedIn all day long

- Have 10000+ followers

- Send hundreds of messages

In fact, each team member can run LinkedIn Allbound in just about an hour a day.


Because results compound over time.

Here's how that works:

With each day you repeat your routine, you’re growing your key assets: your brand, awareness, skills, partnerships, your audience trust…

These key assets, in turn, have a multiplication effect on your results.

The problem is, teams miss the big picture and a proven strategy.

Vlad has written a detailed case study on how we generated a 7-figure pipeline in 6 months under $10k for our client.

Check it here.

Best Shares From Trenches Community

See you in Trenches 😉

Andrei Zinkevich
