πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ 4 mistakes marketers make on LinkedIn (and how you can avoid them)

Dec 28, 2022 2:06 pm

Hey ,


In order not to take up too much of your time during this celebration season, I'll quickly walk you through some of the biggest mistakes many marketers make on LinkedIn (and how you can avoid them). 


More often than not, them marketers be like: "Yesterday, I smashed my thumb with a hammer πŸ˜–. The pain made me think of how B2B marketers rarely nail the true pain points of key buyers within target accounts…"


Look dear , storytelling is fine and all, but sometimes you're better off getting straight to the point.


Here are 4 tried & tested ways to do it (with 8 examples):


𝟏. 𝐇𝐨𝐰-𝐓𝐨: demonstrate your expertise by answering your buyer’s questions.


For example:

𝟐. 𝐕𝐒π₯π₯𝐚𝐒𝐧: position yourself against bad practices, or challenge the status quo.


For example:


πŸ‘. 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐒𝐬𝐬𝐒𝐨𝐧π₯𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐂𝐨-𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐀𝐞𝐭𝐒𝐧𝐠: align yourself with other brands or people by promoting them in your work. 


For example:


πŸ’. 𝐌𝐒𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐀𝐞𝐬: A variation on the villain post type that creates an open loop (could I be making any of these mistakes? What are they?)


For example:


See , the beauty of LinkedIn is that your buyers are already there, ready to connect and learn.


So, you don't need to become a public speaker or a published author to drive niche thought leadership. And you don't need mad storytelling skills either. Just follow these four simple, time-tested formats and you’ll start killing it. 


Want to go a step further? Read how a team of 2 (at FullFunnel.io) produces more content than most B2B companies with 15+ person marketing teams:



1. Always learn about your customers


The key to why the content shared by FullFunnel.io resonates is that it is based on a deep understanding of our customers and buyers.


And that doesn't happen by chance.



  • Start every consulting project with an in-depth dive into the goals, challenges, and bottlenecks of our clients
  • Embed customer interviews after the successful sale and after delivery
  • Run quarterly surveys about the challenges our buyers have with ABM, demand generation, and go-to-market strategy


Other than as input for content, we use these insights to continuously review and update our ICP and messaging.


2. Establish one core content creation and distribution pillar


Our main pillar is daily content creation for LinkedIn.



Because creating content for LinkedIn:

  • Is fast. It's easier to write a LinkedIn post than a blog article or record a YouTube video
  • Reaches our buyers fast, and the feedback is immediate. We see what resonates
  • Provides opportunities to start conversations in DMs, and get even more insight (and create opportunities)


As a consequence:


- Andrei takes our best-performing posts and expands on them in our newsletter, which grew to 11k subscribers without any promotion, just because of the quality of our content.

- We know what topics to focus on in our monthly webinars with 1000+ subscribers, and our in-depth articles where we share our frameworks and case studies

- LinkedIn drives most of our inbound pipeline


3. Multichannel distribution ("I see you guys everywhere")


Here is what our content repurposing and distribution process looks like:




Live podcasts→Online summit


Our long-form content (podcast, webinars, articles...) also gets further distributed via LinkedIn, and our community, the Trenches (that you can join here, for free). 


4. Focus on the operationalization



  • Invest 80% of our effort into proven channels and content formats and 20% in experimenting with new ones
  • Commit 100% to a calendar of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual marketing activities
  • Prioritize repeatability and improvement over time, instead of wasting time obsessing over individual actions


Fullfunnel.io started as an unknown brand in the market back in September 2020. 


Since then, we’ve built a full-funnel demand generation program that generated: 


- 176 sales-qualified opportunities

- LinkedIn following 40K followers

- 11K newsletter subscribers without any promotion

- 7K+ subscribers for our online events

- Speaking gigs at 20+ events & podcasts

- Publications CXL, Marketing Profs, Terminus…


This established us as go-to-experts in full-funnel account-based marketing and demand generation. 


The best part? 


We did all of this with 2 FTEs while building products and consulting for our clients.


Best shares from Trenches Community


Questions from fellow Trenchers

Dear , your help is needed. If you can answer any of the questions below, please click on the link and share your ideas.


NOTE: If you found this content interesting and useful, chances are you have 1 or 2 colleagues (well, maybe 03) who'd enjoy it as much as you do. Help them by sharing this and earn some exclusive perks.


Compliments of the season.🀩 

See you in Trenches πŸ˜‰

Adechina ODJO
