A Sneak Peek - Mark Your Calendar!

There are a LOT of oppotunities coming your way in the not so distant future from the UNcomplicating Business world, and I wanted to take a minute to share them with you here. If you want to sell in a way that feels like you, make more offers, set go...

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Oct 31, 2023
Why Teachers are GREAT at Sales

Teachers are the best sales people out there. Full stop. If you're a teacher, you're also a sales person - and a good one - whether you realize it or not. In this episode we're going to talk about what exactly makes teachers great at sales (and how b...

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Oct 10, 2023
Assumptions that are Hurting Your Sales

Here's something humans - you and I and all of us - are REALLY good at... ready? We are really, REALLY good at assuming things that may not actually be true. In sales, there are a LOT of these kinds of assumptions, both that we make naturally, and th...

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Sep 26, 2023
How to Stop Hating the Sales Part of Your Business

Having a business is great... except for the sales part' is something I hear a version of a LOT. And it's HARD to grow a business while hating the sales part - since the sales part is what actually creates, grows and FUNDS the business. So how do you...

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Sep 12, 2023
The Problem with Your Sales Funnel

Do you feel like you really SHOULD have a working sales funnel, and maybe that's the reason you aren't getting enough clients, customers, inquiries? Do you have a funnel that SHOULD be working, but isn't? Or do you have something that might be a funn...

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Aug 15, 2023
Should You Have a Side Job As You Grow Your Business?

 Should you have a side job as you grow your business? This is a question I get a LOT. It's something I talk about with friends and colleagues and new business owners (or people thinking of starting businesses) a LOT. So, what's the answer? Well... l...

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Aug 01, 2023