New Website Launched

Hello!I hope that you are looking forward to the Weekend.Before you head off, I wanted to let you know that the Naked Recruiter has a new simplified website.Check Out The New WebsiteDesigned around the principle that the internet is too busy these da...

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Jun 28, 2024
Just a quick follow up

Just a real quick follow-up to let you know about my book - The In-House Roadmap.It is out now on Amazon and is for any Recruiter curious about moving In-House.As ever, any questions let me know.Best regards,Joseph---------- Forwarded message -------...

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Jun 14, 2024
New Book: The In-House Roadmap

Hello Fellow Recruiters,I am thrilled to announce the publication of my latest ebook, The In-House Roadmap.This book, a product of five months of dedication and countless chai lattes, delves into essential topics including:Making the transition to in...

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Jun 07, 2024