Instagram LogoI saw’s post about this literally 2 minutes after I posted this video to my TikTok and had a caption similar to her message (her message is much more thoughtfully written so if you haven’t already, go check it out!) ••• But this is one of the big reasons I chose to go Indie. I want my books to keep the meaning/purpose/message God put on my heart in its pages. Knowing “Christian” agents/publishers are pushing Christian authors to be less Christian and more secular has disturbed me and definitely was the final push for me to go indie. ••• Christian books NEED to be Christian. Period. No exceptions. If God has called you to be a Christian author who writes general market books from a Christian worldview—that’s a completely different thing. And for the negative reviews that call your book too “preachy” or “religious” take that as a compliment because it means their spirit has been convicted in some way and you successfully planted a seed God will water and nourish until they seek Him. ••• Some of my books are more spiritual than others, but in all of them I strive to put and keep Jesus at the center. That’s my prayer for every one of my readers (i know I’ve said this before) that my books will point them to Jesus no matter where they stand in their faith journey: from atheists, to agnostics, to baby Christians, to seasoned Christians, I pray they see Jesus. And if I ever write anything that doesn’t point people to their Savior—I know God will block my writing in its tracks. Rightly so: because He’s called me to write Christian fiction in all its gritty full of grace glory. ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• #keepchristianfictionchristian #christianfiction #christianfictionwelove #christianromance #christianromancebooks #christianbookstagramer #christianindieauthor #christiansuspense #christianthriller
Instagram Logo✨ LET'S TALK SIDE CHARACTERS ✨ -- Recently, I've found the most satisfying books have side characters who are actually important and not just comic relief or to be a 'side kick.' There is nothing wrong with those side characters, don't get me wrong, sometimes they are necessary to ease a bit of the tension (I'm looking at you slow burns). But I personally prefer side characters who make a difference in the story and to the main character(s). -- This is what I did my best to do with Caroline and Toby. They were side characters and a couple that set an example of a Christian relationship. -- Caroline was a witness to Charli and an example of a genuine friend who had her best interest at heart in everything she said and did. She's probably my favorite side character I've ever written because her happiness was contagious and her light shone brightly in Charli's darkness despite her past. And she even had her own mini ARC. -- Toby became a sort of accountability partner to Reed when he started falling into old patterns. Despite not knowing Reed in a deep way, he wasn't afraid to call him out of his sin and help guide Reed back to the right path. (This scene may be coming exclusively to my newsletter subscribers in the near future 😉) -- I did my best to give all of my side characters a purpose in the story. Finn, Jones, Dale, Abby, etc. So if you like side characters with purpose, I'd love if you'd give my book a try! -- Do you think side characters should be important to the plot? Or do you prefer the ones who are comic relief? (There's no wrong answer 😉) -- -- -- -- -- -- #christianbooks #christianfiction #christianromance #christiansuspense #christianthriller #bookishquestions #christianauthor #christianbookstagram #bookishthoughts #bookishgirl #bookishlife