Instagram LogoAre your eyes on Jesus? - This is something God has to correct me of pretty regularly. Through His word, He has told me "Eyes on Me" countless times. - I remember when I was pregnant with my youngest, there were some minor issues with my pregnancy and as the worrier of worriers, so I assumed it was going to be the worst case scenario. I was terrified and frantic, but thankfully, I kept reading God's Word. And I was reading in 2 Chronicles, a book I have only ever seen as a Biblical Historical list of facts, and chapter 20 verse 12 stuck out to me as if it had been written in bold, capital letters, unwilling to be looked over. At the end of the verse it says "BUT OUR EYES ARE ON YOU." - It was then that I remembered Who held my baby's life in their hands. Who set the world on its axis. Who breathed life into man and formed all the animals. Who was ultimately in control. - Praise God, I ended up having a healthy baby several months later, but I knew that no matter what--God had a plan. And no matter what, I needed to trust in HIS plan and keep my eyes on HIM. - Because things don't always work out the way we want them to. We don't always get that job. Or hit our goal--no matter how hard we strive to reach it. Sometimes God's answer is simply, no. - When that door slams in our face, it stings. It's frustrating. It hurts. But when we look back at those slamming doors, I guarantee you'll see the blessing in it. - Every obstacle we face. Every tragedy that strikes. Every. single. thing. that happens is meant to drive us deeper into the arms of our Creator and Savior. - It's easy to get lost in the ups, downs, good, and bad of life and lose focus. Because this life isn't about US, it's about Jesus. It's about a bigger purpose than anything this world can tell us to strive for. It's an eternity with our Creator. It's spending eternity with Jesus and telling everyone we possibly can about Him and all He's done for us. - If you're hurting, fix your eyes on Jesus. If you're in a season of suffering, fix your eyes on Jesus. If you're in a season of blessing, fix your eyes on Jesus. No matter where you are, fix your eyes on Jesus. I promise you, you won't regret it.