Hi folks, Wow I've had such an overwhelming start to this year I haven't had a chance to catch my breath. With starting a new full time job; and kidlet starting school; a neck injury; and my sister's upcoming wedding... Life has been a bit full-on...

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Mar 08, 2023
November Report

If you didn't know, November is NaNoWriMo a month of hectic writing fun in an attempt to reach 50,000 words by the end of the month, and I participated, and "won" (I made the 50K... just barely) :D I haven't quite reached "the end" yet, so I migh...

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Dec 01, 2022
Paperback: coming soon!

I'm so excited, the paperback version is nearly done! Here's a quick sneak-peek at the cover. I'm hoping to have it all sorted before Black Friday, though that might be a stretch.

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Nov 13, 2022
October report

I had a good month full of busyness. I got myself back in the habit of regular writing by working up a backstory for Tink. Dunno if I'll write it up and make it available to others. It's interesting as a story, but not sure it's a very gripping ta...

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Oct 31, 2022

Biggest month evar!!! This month was launch month and The Conjunction finally went live. All my pre-orders went through, and I've seen a few individual others picked up as well as plenty of page-reads in KDP, which tells me that at least some people...

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Sep 30, 2022

Another big month, mostly editing in preparation for publishing The Conjunction, which will finally go live in 3 week's time (so much excitement!) :D Until then The Conjunction is still available for pre-order on amazon The Conjunction has gone to...

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Sep 01, 2022

Wow! What a month! I did a full read-through of The Conjunction, editing as I went - adding in some more snappy lines and a few extra fixups based on some beta-reader commentary. I then did a hard edit using ProWritingAid. Goodness, that is a reall...

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Aug 02, 2022

I was retrenched from my IT job in the first week of this month, so it's been a bit of an odd month. I managed to secure a part-time contract so I have been doing some work. But a lot of extra time has been spent editing The Conjunction into shape re...

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Jul 01, 2022

May is typically when SAD starts setting in. So I spent the month concentrating on work and parenting to conserve valuable spoons... but as it turned out I was retrenched in the first few days of June. So, looks like I have way more time to spend on...

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Jun 07, 2022

April was an even slower month. I had a lot of external priorities to work through and writing took a back seat, unfortunately, to my IT job, parenting, and coping with basic mental health. So I only wrote around ten pages total for King Tide for the...

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May 04, 2022