Bit of a slow month for me. I made some progress writing King Tide, but it was a bit of a slower slog. I don't have much of an improvement in word-count because I haven't managed to dictate much, it's all still handwritten. So I still have ~75K typed...

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Mar 30, 2022

When I was 5 I liked to do jigsaw puzzles upside down (to make it harder) and blow bubbles off the balcony -- watching them drift over the street. I liked to walk to school by myself (one block) and learn Origami from the lady in the flats behind us....

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Mar 09, 2022
My writing style

My writing process is a bit chaotic, but I do have a process. Step 1: starts with roughing out a basic arc of the book. I'm more of a pantser than a plotter, so this is really just a basic synopsis - to make sure it has all the exciting plot-point...

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Mar 06, 2022

I'm still madly writing my way through King Tide (the second book in the The Hope Gray series). I'm roughly 75k words into the first draft. My first-draft final wordcount was around 110K, so that means I'm a bit under three quarters, which matches up...

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Mar 01, 2022

Woohoo! I've begun my journey as a published writer. It'll probably geta bit more interesting once I acually publish my first book, of course :D For now I'm still setting everything up, so be patient, I'm still working at my Tech job full time as...

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Jan 30, 2022